Novels, short stories, music, let's do lunch!

Notification re Covid-19

You— my readers— have been more than kind over the umpteen years I have been writing this blog. In conjunction with the current emergency, allow me to say


Lest the president accuse me of sensationalism during this perilous period, I beseech you to “Reste tranquille, America.” Let us all remain calm—


As the situation develops, I am closely following CDC guidelines for the written word. Once you have read this notification, pls wash your hands quite thoroughly.

I— for my part— shall wash my mouth out with soap. But first, this message:

My fellow earthlings, a worldwide catastrophe has newly occurred. From Hong Kong in… well, Hong Kong… to Haparanda in Sweden to Burbank, California— and all points in between— society HAS RUN OUT OF TOILET PAPER! Amidst an endless array of empty shelves, you couldn’t find it anywhere! Gone, baby, gone! Which only confirms what I have long suspected: People are full of sh*t.

That said—


Be careful, stay safe.

Love, Kev





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