Novels, short stories, music, let's do lunch!

Archive for October, 2023

In the Woods Cast in Shadow

For the second time in a row, Sweden’s Mutte Fjutt in the rap band realPfft has used A.I. technology to produce an exemplary track. ChatGPT created the song lyrics. TTS Free, a text-to-speech program, gave us the voice and cadences of cozy Uncle Sven. Cover art by Fotor based on the prompt “A troll walks in the woods.” The trap melody and musical arrangement are, however, created by the boys themselves. Been there, done that, with great success. Swedes, they wanted to try out Artificial Intelligence in Swedish. Here’s an English translation of ChatGPT’s slightly cheesy Swedish song lyrics:

In the Woods Cast in Shadow

I go in the woods cast in shadow

Where silence joyously sings

Among the secret leaves and pines

I find peace in my beating heart

A lone angel flutters past

In night’s shimmer, soft and clear

In starlight, a quiet music

Woven of dreams, timelessly plays

In the dance of shadows, nighttime smiles

Though I wander alone, I am not lost

Nature’s whispers fill my soul

While in the cradle of creation, I am reborn

Silently I go in moonlight

Amidst the rustle of trees and the quiet of night

I find peace in every neck of the woods

Where my being and nature become one, in faith

A.I. Raps!

  • Arthur the Rapper’s voice and rhythm were created by A.I. And both the lyrics sheet and the cover art of “Turing Test?” are 100% A.I. creations.
  • Composing a catchy tune, Mutte used ChatGPT and the prompt “Write a rap song about Alan Turing” to create the lyrics.
  • He fed the song lyrics into the A.I. text-to-speech platform Uberduck and hit “rap.” Uberduck created the rapper’s voice, style and rhythm.
  • Based on the prompt “A picture of a robot standing in a green field staring at us,” the A.I. platform Fotor created the cover artwork.
  • Amazing. You push a button and Ka-ching! Art comes out.

Turing Test?

Yo, listen up, I got a story ’bout a genius, no denying

Alan Turing kept the world from dying

World War E, he cracked the Enigma code   

A brilliant mind, in the cipher world, he wrote


Born in England, with a vision so grand                                                          

A mathematician, he had the world in his hand

Tackled problems that many thought too tough

In the realm of computation, he had the right stuff

Alan Turing, pioneer in the digital domain 

Legacy established, he didn’t die in vain                        

A codebreaker, a mathematician, a hero in our lore

In the world of technology, his spirit we adore

He laid the groundwork for the computers we use                                   

In every line of code, his spirit’s the muse

A genius ahead of his time, he paved the way

In the digital era, he holds sway

Alan Turing, pioneer in the digital domain 

Legacy established, he didn’t die in vain                        

A codebreaker, a mathematician, a hero in our lore

In the world of technology, his spirit we adore

Alan Turing, pioneer in the digital domain 

Legacy established, he didn’t die in vain                        

A codebreaker, a mathematician, a hero in our lore

In the world of technology, his spirit we adore

He laid the ground for the computers we use                                             

In every line of code, his spirit’s the muse

A genius ahead of his time, he paved the way

In the digital era, he holds sway

Post-war, he dreamt of artificial intelligence                               

A future where machines had human-like relevance

Turing test, he proposed, to judge a machine’s mind

In the quest for AI, he was one of a kind

Persecuted, his love was his crime

In a world that couldn’t fathom his paradigm

Chemically castrated, society’s cruel game

But his brilliance continues, forever aflame

He laid the ground for the computers we use

In every line of code, his spirit’s the muse

A genius ahead of his time, he paved the way

In the digital era, he still holds sway

Ground for the computers we use                                                                   

In every line of code, his spirit’s the muse

A genius ahead of his time, he paved the way

In the digital era, he still holds sway

Born in England, with a vision so grand                                                          

A mathematician, he had the world in his hand

Tackled problems that many thought too tough

In the realm of computation, he had the right stuff

He laid the ground for the computers we use

In every line of code, his spirit’s the muse

A genius ahead of his time, he paved the way

In the digital era, he still holds sway

So here’s to Turing! We celebrate                   

In the world of technology, he’s first-rate

A rap for the man who changed the cipher game

Alan Turing’s legacy, forever in our name

So here’s to Turing! We celebrate                   

In the world of technology, he’s first-rate

A rap for the man who changed the cipher game

Alan Turing’s legacy, forever in our name