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realPfft på svenska


Singeln heter “Fake News.” Bandet heter realPfft. Alltså, falska nyheter av äkta nollor.

( Obs! Denna beskrivning på bandet ska inte tas på grövsta allvar. Den har diktats ihop mest som underhållning!  :-]  )

Jag heter Kevin Feingold, pensionerad yrkesmilitär och bandets PR snubbe härborta i Maryland, USA. Hur kom det sig?

Av alla polare som jag skaffade mig under mitt år som utbytesstudent i Sverige, har endast en enda riktigt bestått. Mutte Fjutt. Det är hans artistnamn, visst, vad annars? Som tonåring, med mitt revolutionära utseende— pipskägget, det långa håret, den brinnande blicken— fick jag apa mig i en studentfilm. Mutte var ljudteknikern.

Vi blev polare för livet. Vi deppar lika mycket. Vi överfokuserar på olika projekt, där varken mat, sömn eller telefon får störa. Mest är det uthålligheten: Vi håller vad vi lovar. Har vi lovat något, så presterar vi detta. Har vi en gång sagt, så levererar vi godset. Den äkta varan, i toppskick. Varje gång. I en värld av blajare som lovar så mycket och presterar mycket mindre, är det inte att undra på att han och jag har blivit fasta vänner.


******************* Inte  ABBA *******************


Som kranskötare vid sin dator, skapar Mutte musik med elektroniska music loops. Instrumentala verk av diverse slag, typ disco, samba, ballader och julvisor. Sen kom den dagen då han skapade musik till en rap låt. Härlig musik ett steg över Muppets. Det låter som en enträgen combo som står på scen i en nattklubb i Örebro. De spelar ihärdigt och outtröttligt. Sångaren, däremot…

Som medmusiker valde Mutte att arbeta ihop med den smått jobbiga punksångaren från 1980-talet, Clive Flatenbad. Han som kämpar emot det mesta. Tänk Billy Idol om han hade varit svensk, typ exempel. Stockholmaren Clive med den brittiska morsan. Den pajsaren. Som då satte sig ned och skrev en engelskspråkig text till Mutte:s musik. En rap funderare över pajasen i Vita huset.

– Falska nyheter kallar du detta, / Herr president. / Varför är du / Ett nervöst vrak? rappar Clive.

Två minuter 20 sekunders bitande satir. En serie pinsamma frågor som även Vita husets pressekreterare Sarah Huckabee Sanders skulle uppleva som svårsmält. Hellre du än jag, Sarah!



Vem kan sätta stopp för Clive? Förmodligen ingen. Medan jag kämpar för att få ihop en gnista intresse i bandet härborta i Staterna, tog Clive sig till någon avlägsen bondgård antingen på Gotland eller Öland och skapade en wideo som inte ens kan jämföras till fördel med musikskapelser hos en fritis!

Satans perkele!



****************** Betala via PayPal! ******************


Som låt har “Fake News” möjligheter. Eftersom det är jag som befinner mig i det stora landet i väst, ordnade jag så att… det är någon annan som får sköta affärerna! The business end. Jag är ingen affärsman. Däremot har jag en kompis från armén som kallas för KK. Grannskapets allt-i-allo, vet han hur man bedriver affärsverksamhet. Bokföring. Avtal. Sånt skit. Han bor i Rockville, Maryland. Rockville! Blotta namnet får mig att rysa till och drömma om storvinster.

KK googlade hur man ger ut sin musik själv. Så hittade han TuneCore, ett fristående digitalt musikutgivningsnätverk grundat år 2005. De finns i Brooklyn, New York. För knappt tio dollar gav vi ut “Fake News” som mp3-fil hos iTunes, Amazon, Spotify m. fl. Läckert, minst sagt. Eftersom TuneCore skickar utbetalningar endast till amerikanska bankkonto, öppnade KK även ett enskilt konto åt bandet där vi kan samla våra miljoner när “Fake News” slår över hela världen, vi blir kändisar och vi kammar hem en förmögenhet. Eller två.

Mer begär vi inte.

Över 30 år sedan, slutade Clive bråka tillräckligt länge för att anmäla sig till STIM. Det har resulterat i det att låten “Fake News” nu är anmäld hos musikförlaget Panthersongs.

Det blev mitt ansvar att hitta ett namn för bandet. Något som skulle funka over here. Kommersiellt, men lockande. Beatles var redan förbrukat. Stones likaså. Kinks… finns redan! Eftersom Fjutt blir på engelska ordet “pfft”— som betyder “ingenting”— döpte jag bandet till “Pfft.” Emellertid googlade Mutte det namnet och kom på en asiatisk kille som redan kallar sig för PFFT. Inte nog med att han snappade upp namnet innan vi hann dit, pojken även är en jävel på att kompa och ge ut låtar. Han e döbra, alltså. Det går inte ens att konkurrera med honom. Så bra är han.

Affärsmannen KK hittade ett likartat problem när han försökte registrera domännamnet Detta domännamn är till salu för $12,000. Äsch! Eftersom Donald Trump använder på Twitter signaturen @realDonaldTrump, bestämde KK sig att anmäla domännamnen och De fick vi!

Hos Twitter, stötte jag på samma krångel, massor med folk som använder variationer på “pfft” i sina logins. Jag ansökte i stället om @realPfft. Och höll andan. Otroligt! Vi fick den med.

Gudarna står på vår sida.

Varpå sa Mutte i telefon, – Varför kallar vi oss inte för realPfft?

Varför inte??? Herregud!

Så döptes bandet till realPfft.

Jag fick skriva om mina press releases.


********************* En israelisk omslagsbild??? ******************


Israel. Under 60-talet läste folk Leon Uris:s bok Exodus och stödde Israel. Sen kom 70-talet och Aftonbladet:s exposé om israeliskt förtryck gentemot Palestinierna. Utrikesministern Sten Andersson sa sig vara Israelvän och bjöd gång på gång Yassir Arafat till Sverige för att förtala Israel. Inte roligt. Under 80-talet blev det liksom kul grej att semestra på stranden i Tel Aviv eller på badorten Netanya uppför kusten. Det var så jag knöt kontakten med en israelisk konstnärsgubbe som heter Kuny. Han bor i Netanya.

År 2016, inför presidentsvalet, skrev jag en roman som heter Grump:s Amerika. Den lägger ut argument varför det inte vore så bra idé att välja Donald J. Trump till president. Som vanligt saknades det någonting i min skrivstil och / eller uppläggning. Mina böcker attraherar inte läsarna. – Annars e de bra! brukar jag säga. Det roligaste med Grump:s Amerika var själva omslagsbilden, en politisk karikatyr ritad av Kuny, där Trump — iklädd boxningshandskar — står intill sin lilla mur mot Mexico och viftar argsint.

Jag självpublicerade Grump:s Amerika (på engelska förstås) som ebok hos Amazon tills den dagen landet valde Donald J. Trump som president. Fort som fan, tog jag bort boken ur Amazon:s sortiment. Jag tror att jag hade sålt uppåt en kopia.

Så när det blev dags att ordna omslagsbilden till “Fake News,” visste jag mycket väl till vem jag skulle vända mig. Kuny är nu liksom 90-år gammal. Han klippte ut bokstäver som till ett lösensbrev, F-a-k-e-N-e-w-s, och klistrade dem på papper. Sen klistrade han dit sin ritning på Trump. Och till sist ritade han en stor, pissgul kista med orden “by realPfft” på sin sida. Omslagsbilden är ful, dum, knasig och absolut rätt för den här låten.

Grattis, Kuny!


********************* Pressens dag *****************


Jag har skickat ut publicitetspaket till tidningarna och skvallerskribenter härborta. Jag kvittrar och storvrålar via Twitter, såkallade blasts. Jag skickar hälsningar till TV-kändisar, komiker och ledarskribenter. Jag mejlar. Jag försöker fånga deras intresse.

Vad jag inte vet är hur man väcker intresse hos radion.

Eller får storspridning via, till exemple, Facebook.

Hur slår man hejvilt på nätet? Vad gör man för att go viral?

Hjälp oss etablera realPfft! Få puss o kram! Även min morsa kommer att tacka!


Mutte har nu skapat “Mutte’s illegal mix,” en swingversion på “Fake News” som inkluderar saxofon och bongos. Utgivningsdatumet: den 6 april. Tre minuter och nio sekunder, den innehåller ytterligare fyra verser, typ

Som Xi i Kina, / Livstidspresident. / Pröva i Amerika? / Det låter bara kass!


Hälsa dem därhemma!



Fake News by realPfft


“R U dead?” texts Mario, my bud from college who is now a huge macher in satellite radio in New York. The man can even score tickets to Hamilton, that’s how big he is!

No, I’m not dead, but after writing still another Great American Novel and facing the grim reality of self-publishing it as an e-book, it did occur to me that there might be something wrong with this picture.

I’m doing publicity for a Swedish band, instead.

If U want the full story, U will B required to click on 2 links. Two! Heavens 2 Betsy!!! Can’t I put it on Twitter and let you just scroll down to the GIF?


Yes, I do PR releases that are 280 characters, but it occurred to me that my blog would give me an opportunity to tell my side of the story. Thank you, Roland Hedley!


******************* Not ABBA *******************


Note: This description of the band isn’t a totally factual account. Its main purpose is to entertain.  :-]

Of all the friends I made during my junior year abroad in Uppsala, Sweden, the most lasting has been Mutte Fjutt. (Not his real name.) With my beard, long hair and Che Guevara good looks, I got chosen to star in a student film. Mutte was the soundman.

We became BFF’s. One link is that we both suffer from clinical depression. It can leave us out of the mix for weeks at a time. Saddled with ADHD, we also tend to over-focus on projects— to the exclusion of things like eating, sleeping and answering the phone. I guess the main glue has been our artistic integrity. Mutte and I never promise what we don’t deliver. Where other people— finding themselves responsible for more than they bargained for— will palm off a fast and dirty, lick and a promise piece of cowpie, Mutte and I bust our balls to deliver top grade shit. We even keep deadlines!

In a world of b.s. artists, he’s a kindred spirit. You see why the dude is an inspiration to me.

As part of the electronic universe of music loops (google it), Mutte has created some nice instrumentals, trying his hand at disco, samba, ballads and Christmas songs. Upon creating the soundtrack to a rap song— it sounds like a benighted combo playing on the stage of a club in the town of Örebro— Mutte teamed up with a relic, the cantankerous 1980’s punk rock singer/songwriter Clive Flatenbad. They be the Svedish music duo realPfft.

Flatenbad is a Swedish name (Clive’s daddy), while “Clive” is British (his mamma). Like so many offspring of mixed marriages, Clive has battled his way through life with a major inferiority complex. This is also Very Swedish. Tro inte att du är nåt. “Don’t think you’re somebody special.” After generations of oppression by King and Church, followed by nanny socialist government, Swedes feel under-utilized and frustrated. They know there’s something missing, they just don’t know what.

Our little “across the pond” project never could have happened in the Old Days, but what with the Internet, Skype and the current administration, the boys have created a song entitled “Fake News,” contemplating the struggles of America’s 45th president.

Sample lyric: “Fake News” U call it, / President Trump. / Y R U / A nervous grump?

Comic rap, it’s 2 minutes and 20 seconds of querulous satire, firing off an endless series of questions that Sarah Huckabee Sanders wouldn’t deign to spit at. But enough about us.

The song:

The video:


There’s no holding down Clive, which explains the wideo. Talk about low production values, I suspect he made it in a farmhouse on the island of Gotland. Sweden has youth centers in every town, Fritidsgårdar, that deliver a higher quality musical product than this! Still, Clive’s a funny old geezer. Compared to the likes of Rihanna and Jay-Z, we’re a herd of dinosaurs.


****************** PayPal Me! ******************


As a song, “Fake News” ain’t a bad piece of wax. I think it has great potential. Since I’m in America and they are not, I took it upon myself to… hand over the business end to a buddy from my Army days called KK. He looks like Tom Cruise and talks like Bill Murray, but his main claim to fame is being a self-employed handyman in Rockville, Maryland. Rockville! I hear the sweet sound of coin clanking into the cash register already. The dude may spend his days building bookshelves and cleaning attics, but he knows how to run a business.

KK googled the particulars of releasing your own music, and found TuneCore, an independent digital music distribution service founded in 2005, operating out of Brooklyn, New York. For the princely sum of $9.99, we were able to submit Mutte and Clive’s masterpiece for sale as an Mp3 file on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and about a dozen other sites worldwide. “Neat!” doesn’t begin to describe it. And since TuneCore pays the proceeds solely into American bank accounts based on American addresses, KK has opened a bank account for the band where, hopefully, we’ll all become millionaires when “Fake News” becomes the NBT, goes viral and saves the world!

U C what a crew of dreamers we R! If U never dream…

Over 30 years ago, Clive, bless his friggin’ heart, stopped fighting with people long enough to join STIM, the Swedish Composers and Songwriters’ International Music Bureau. So “Fake News” by realPfft is registered with Panther Songs, a music publisher in Stockholm.

It fell upon my lot to name the band. Since Fjutt is the Swedish for pfft, I announced the band name: “Pfft.” Only thing is, Mutte soon googled that and discovered an Asian boy who calls himself PFFT. And he’s fucking fantastic! How can we compete with him??? We can’t. He got there first.

Business manager KK ran into a similar blank wall when he tried to obtain the domain name It’s for sale for $12,000. Ha ha ha ha! Since Donald Trump’s Twitter handle is @realDonaldTrump, KK solved the problem by applying for the domain names and We got them.

I then went to Twitter and found the same imbroglio: Many clever individuals use “pfft” in conjunction with their Twitter accounts. Holding my breath, I applied for a Twitter account @realPfft. Shazam! We got that one, too.

The gods are smiling upon us.

At which point Mutte said over the phone, “Why don’t we just call ourselves ‘realPfft’?”

A band was born!


********************* Israeli Cover Art??? ******************


The. Cover. Art. I wrote a political polemic (a nice word for “hatchet job”) in early 2016 entitled “Grump’s America,” predicting the mess a Trump presidency would likely cause should the dear man ever be elected. As usual, my writing left a lot to be desired. The nicest thing about it was the political cartoon by Kuny on the cover, a picture of The Donald in boxing gloves glowering over his tiny, little wall.

Kuny is an Israeli artist, like, 90 years old, living in Netanya. I met him years back on a trip to Israel. We like each other. It’s a fun cartoon. When El Trumpo won the election, I deleted that e-book from Amazon mucho pronto! No longer an unpublished author, I think I sold one copy.

So when it was time to deliver cover art for the rap song “Fake News,” I knew to whom to turn. Kuny cut out letters, like in a ransom note, and arrayed them across the top: F-a-k-e-N-e-w-s. Then he pasted his cartoon under them. Then he drew a piss yellow casket with the words “by realPfft” on the side. It’s ugly, it’s a mess, it’s all wrong, but precisely right for this song.

We on our way!


********************* Press. Release. *****************


I sent press releases to the trades and The Washington Post gossip column. I also send out blasts on Twitter from the realPfft account. I tweet people like Stephen Colbert and Colin Jost. Lookin’ for an opening, a nibble, a tug on my single filament line.

Meanwhile, Mutte has created the “Mutte’s illegal mix” swing version of “Fake News.” Saxophone. Bongos. To be released on April 6, 2018. At 3 minutes and 9 seconds, it contains several extra verses. For example:

Like Xi in China, / President for life. / Try it in America?/ That don’t sound so nice.

Full disclosure: We ain’t gone viral yet.

Love, Kevin

PS:  PUT US ON FACEBOOK!  Add realPfft to your network! Help us get out there! Join realPfft Nation! (I just made that one up…)


Iran Deal Means Death


          Life offers us choices. What we do at the crossroads defines our future.

In 1999, I predicted that Al Gore would be a flawed candidate who would turn a clear electoral advantage into a cliffhanger. But even I could never envision the Decision 2000  mess of butterfly ballots, Pat Buchanan’s candidacy, hanging chads, Republican bullying and Al Gore totally caving. To spare us further agony, nice Al Gore let the Supreme Court hand the presidency to George W. Bush. This was a crossroads and America took the wrong path.

To err is human. An activist and ecologist, Al Gore would have made mistakes during his time in the White House. But they wouldn’t have been the Dick Cheney – George Bush mistakes. Hopefully, Al Gore would have seen the approach of 9/11. George W. Bush, appropriately named, spent August of 2001 thumbing his nose at the Washington press corps (and waving his butt at the cameras), ostensibly clearing brush at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Al Gore certainly would not have used Osama bin Laden’s heinous attack as an excuse to go to war with… Saddam Hussein in Iraq?

The Iraq war— deposing, capturing and executing Saddam Hussein— has led directly to ISIS. There’s a reason Saddam was an iron-fisted dictator. Once destabilized, Iraq has proved a disaster. This was a crossroads and we chose wrong. There’s no putting this genie back in Aladdin’s lamp.

Meanwhile, Iran’s proxy Hezbollah blew up the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983, killing 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel. They also bombed the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996, killing 19 U.S. servicemen and wounding 498 other people. And blew a hole in the USS Cole in Yemen in the year 2000, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39 others. Crying “Death to America!”, the Persians in Tehran cheered. No worries. Bush and Cheney responded by attacking… Iraq.


In 2008, after winning more delegates in the primaries than Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton watched while New York Senator Charles Schumer and the so-called super-delegates— the party bosses— handed the nomination to Barack Obama. This was a crossroads and the Democrats went with the basketball player, the superstar. Never mind that Obama was a snake oil salesman, a childish man who snuck cigarettes and misled the voters with glorious promises of a bright new bipartisan future! Say what?

America chose wrong and Iran will get the bomb.

Following the agenda of a closet Muslim, Obama made overtures to Iran. Entering negotiations in Geneva, terrified of coming home empty-handed, Secretary of State John Kerry gave away the kitchen sink, desperately extending deadlines and conceding point after point. You and I could have negotiated a better agreement than Kerry’s!

Obama promised us that “no deal is better than a bad deal”— look it up!— and promptly reneged, proclaiming this hopelessly inadequate treaty to be the deal of the century. He insists that the only alternative is war!

The only alternative is to push the Iranians back to the negotiating table and forcing them to make a few concessions. Let’s get Iran out of the nuclear energy business before the world removes the sanctions. Has no one at the White House ever heard of a dirty bomb? Radioactive waste wrapped around a conventional explosive. Ka-blam!  Contaminating our cities in terrorist attacks. Making them uninhabitable. Well, duh! Doesn’t anyone in the White House have any security training at all?

We are repeating the mistakes of the 1930’s, with Iran taking the place of Nazi Germany. In order to make money, the G5+1 nations— the US, the UK, France, Germany, Russia and China— who are supposed to be in charge, are sacrificing world peace for cash on the barrelhead. Everybody is lining up to trade with Iran! A new market! And the Iranians have oil! Oh, goody! Totally short-sighted, we put trade ahead of world peace. This is the same mentality that had America selling steel to Japan before World War Two and IBM helping the Nazis with data processing, so they could create the extermination lists used to deport people to the concentration camps.

In 2015, Democratic Senators and Congresspeople are busy thumbing their noses at the Republicans and Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, supporting a nuclear agreement that will propel the world into war within a decade.

The Republicans are no better. Instead of a groundswell of bipartisan opposition to one of the worst deals in American history, the Republicans gathered the Tea Party Patriots on the west lawn of the Capitol, where they listened to the brilliance of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. This is the Republican response to World War Three: Donald Trump.

We are at a crossroads and once again, mankind has chosen the wrong path. Favoring the Iranians— who still shout “Death to America!” and mean it— the Obama administration puts personal vanity, ego and greed before common sense. Paving the way to Armageddon.


Down with Democrats!


My mom and I have been lifelong Democrats. That’s over!

I can’t believe how the Democrats are playing politics with the nuclear agreement with Iran. This Iran deal stinks to high heaven. Any clear-eyed individual sees that it’s entirely bogus. That it cannot be enforced. Iran is going to cheat. And use their unfrozen assets to finance terrorism. They’re laughing! That should make you wonder, right there. Abolish this frigging accord. Throw it in the trashcan of history, where it belongs.

Instead, to thumb their noses at the Republicans in Congress, to show off and kiss Obama’s ring, foolish Senators and Congresspeople are marching lockstep to Armageddon. The administration gives us used car salesman assurances. Followed by hysterical claims that “the only alternative is war!”

Hello-o! We’re already at war! In awarding damages to the families of victims, U.S. courts have found Iran responsible for the 1983 Beirut Marine Barracks bombing, the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia and the 12 October 2000 attack on the USS Cole in the harbor of Aden in Yemen. Know your enemy. Nothing has changed for the Mullahs since the Iran hostage crisis of 1979. They still hate us and call us The Great Satan. They are still waging war on America.

Wake up!

You don’t give Hitler the atomic bomb.

I was hoping that as a lame duck president, Obama would quietly fade away. No such luck. A childish individual, he’s desperate to leave his mark. His staff goes on at length about his “legacy.” Listen! Give the guy a presidential library in Kinshasa and be done with it! But no, Obama and Kerry are movers and shakers. They feel the earth move. They have visions.

Kerry is an egomaniac, tilting at windmills. When he was young, he tried single-handedly to win the Vietnam war. And failed. As Secretary of State, Kerry tried to untie the Gordian Knot, brokering peace between Israel and the Palestinians. And failed. Now, constantly extending the deadline, making endless concessions, terrified of coming home from Geneva empty-handed, Mr. Fantastic has brought us a cow turd and tells us it’s gold dust.

A wise and grown-up president would say, “This won’t do. Go back and get it right or forget about it.” Instead, we’re being sold a pup. Fanfare over substance. Rhetoric over facts. Drama over intellect. Wishful thinking versus reality.

Obama is worried about his legacy. He should be! He will go down in history as The Second Great Appeaser, Neville Chamberlain in our time, America’s first black president, a closet Muslim.

Congratulations to Chuck Schumer and the Democratic super-delegates from the 2008 Democratic Convention! You elected this bozo.

Down with the Democrats! Throw the bums out!

Or vote to abolish this damned Iran deal!

Bye, bye, Hillary!


Hillary Clinton is a drama queen. Her reactions are not your reactions. We cannot “read” her.

And for what it’s worth, I am a former supporter!

I worked on her presidential campaign in 2008. I spent a lot of time apologizing to people who felt neglected or insulted. For example, there was never anyone in the Press Office. Ever! And if there were people there, they certainly never answered their phone. Everything went to voice mail. All the time. And never got a response.

That hurt.

I blamed it on the disorganized nature of the campaign. About three years ago, it occurred to me— ta, ta! like, finally— that the neglect was intentional. Hillary sees the press as untrustworthy, part of the “great right-wing conspiracy” arrayed against her. She doesn’t return their calls. She’ll show up for SNL, but she’s less happy with Sunday morning talk shows.

As a lib and a women’s libber, I am so bitterly disappointed. This wonderful lady was going to be our first woman president! Hurrah!

Never happen.

Have you ever been involved with a manipulative person? You give a little. You make allowances. You figure “whatever.” You look between your fingers. After an eon or so, you wake up to find yourself in a place you don’t want to be.

I’ve been to Hillaryland. Been there, done that. I’m not going back.

She forgave Bill when he screwed the chambermaid. Although I disagreed and felt it was clearly grounds for divorce, I figured “Okay, she’s more magnanimous than I am.”

She did a great job as Sec State. I thought, “Hurray, we’ve rounded the corner.” When Benghazi blew up, however, she went before a Congressional Committee and questioned whether the attack was  “because of guys out on a walk one night who decided they’d go kill Americans?”

You kinda lost me there, Hills. Instead of “owning it,” instead of Harry Truman’s “the buck stops here,” it was all somehow somebody else’s fault.

Unfortunately, Hillary learned a bad lesson from Obama. Politicians do that, we watch and learn from one another. Hillary found that if you make pretty speeches about bipartisanship and progress and game-changing the climate in Washington, words are enough. In your daily life, you can continue with “politics as usual.” So forget Hillary’s speeches, they are all hot air.

Now we get to the emails. She deleted 30,000 emails? Thirty… thousand… emails. I NEVER HAD 30,000 EMAILS IN MY LIFE! It boggles the mind. With Hillary, the best is never enough. It took me forever to realize that, “Yeah, government email, all it takes is a simple Freedom of Information Act request. Eighteen months later, the contents are publicly available.” Hillary didn’t want anybody peeking at her correspondence, so she set up her own private server. “She wanted her privacy,” we say, forgiving her YET AGAIN! I am getting very tired of this, sister.

UPDATE: May 2015

Don’t get me started on the money! What people do in their private lives is between them and their conscience. But there’s no way you can accept millions of dollars in “speaking fees” and credibly run for president. Since January 2014, the Clintons have “earned” 25 mil making 104 paid speeches, mostly to corporations.

What are these companies paying for? WHAT ARE THESE COMPANIES PAYING FOR??? And don’t tell me it’s Clintonian wisdom and glistening oratory. When Hils gets $315,000 for a 20-minute speech at an eBay summit, something smells way unethical.

In my day, that was considered a bribe.

Bill, bless his avaricious heart, has made 100 million dollars in speaking fees since the year 2000. But he assures us it’s all right, since he gives 10% to his foundation. That means the Clintons are sitting on a personal fortune of 90+ million dollars. Which, as The Washington Post pointed out, the Clintons maintain in cash, rather than investing. Talk about insecurity! Everybody needs a nest egg, but… give me a break!

What is wrong with this picture?

Craig Minassian, a spokesman for The Clinton Foundation, is quoted in The Washington Post humble bragging that their website has “more than 300,000 donors who are all listed.” That’s gotta be a misprint!? What are they thinking? Them Clintons are unbelievable.

It gets worse! The Clintons blur the line between speeches made for their foundation and speeches made for personal profit.

Citibank paid The Clinton Foundation over $250,000 for a Hillary Clinton speech.

It gets even worse geographically. Newly released info from The Clinton Foundation, published in The Washington Post on May 22, 2015, indicates:

The government of Algeria (!) donated (!) $500,000 to The Clinton Foundation. Tell me the Algerians don’t want anything for that money.

The Nigerian This-Day newspaper group paid The Clinton Foundation over $500,000 for a Bill Clinton speech.

The energy ministry of Thailand paid The Clinton Foundation between $250,000 and $500,000 for a Bill Clinton speech.

The U.S. Islamic World Forum, with support from Qatar, paid The Clinton Foundation between $250,000 and $500,000 for a Bill Clinton speech.

The Qatar First Bank, representing clients with a high net worth (read: rich) paid The Clinton Foundation between $250,000 and $500,000 for a Bill Clinton speech.

China Real Estate Development Corporation paid The Clinton Foundation between $250,000 and $500,000 for a Bill Clinton speech.

The Beijing Huaduo Enterprise Consulting Company Ltd., specializing in natural gas, paid The Clinton Foundation over $250,000 for a Bill Clinton speech.

The South Korean chemical and energy conglomerate Hanwha paid The Clinton Foundation between $500,000 and a million dollars for a Bill Clinton speech.

Hey, that musta been some speech!

Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim’s Telmex Foundation paid The Clinton Foundation between $250,000 and $500,000 for a Hillary Clinton speech.

La la la la la! Harumph! Four score and seven years ago…! Okay, I’m ready. Ladies and gentlemen, I AM AVAILABLE! I was a d.j. on college radio and at MRS, Music Radio Service, in Sweden. As you see, I can be as inspirational as the best of ’em! Graduates of the Class of 2015, as you tremulously stumble your way into a closed job market, think of what Paul Revere said. I mean beyond “The British are coming!” He also said…

How do the Clintons see it? I can imagine them looking at each other and saying “Oh, look honey, this is a really neat way to make money! And it’s all legal!”

Where is their moral center? What are the Clintons’ core values? How outrageous and absurd can they act before America has had enough chicanery?

“Oh”— you say— “Politics has always been a rotten business. Don’t critique the Clintons! If I want to hear carping criticism, I can always tune in to Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Everything you are saying is old news.”

Except my mom and I are Democrats. If we’re disenchanted, some kind of sea change may be in the offing.

Yes, I want a woman president. Give me a decent candidate, please!

I’m truly sorry, but I don’t trust Hillary Rodham Clinton to take that proverbial       3 a.m. phone call. I have no idea how she’ll react.

Kinda heartbroken, Kevin

An Eyeful in Gaza

Pundits and diplomats are now suggesting that providing Gaza with a deep water seaport and an international airport will relieve the tension, producing an economically viable Gaza with industry, economic growth and happiness.


That completely misses the point of Gazans electing Hamas to rule Gaza in 2006.

The PLO is willing to coexist with Israel . There’s enough land, people and resources to do so in the West Bank.

The Gazans refuse to spend forever on a 12 X 38 mile strip of beachfront. THEY WANT THEIR LAND BACK, ALL OF TODAY’S ISRAEL.

In order to attain that goal, they need a seaport to import heavy weapons and an international airport to allow the free passage of jihadists into Gaza.

The world ignores these facts at its peril.

– Kevin Feingold, August 12, 2014


Deconstructing Afghanistan


          I’ve come home to Oxburg, Maryland for the weekend. Last night, I talked with J.D. Hunsaker who has just finished a stint as a contractor in Afghanistan. He’s a man on a mission, spreading the word. We’re neighbors. He has pale, angry blue eyes. Possessing both manual and organizational skills, he’ll never be out of work. He can lay pipe or dismantle a military base. He’s as gnarly as a troll. Ginger hair, bushy eyebrows, a hundred creases in his face. No charmer, the same qualities that make J.D. popular also make him difficult. You don’t tell fairy tales to J.D. Hunsaker. When I start to tell him how great everything is going in Afghanistan, he cuts me off.

J D: “You know the nine circles of Hell described by Dante in his Inferno? I’m sick of U.S. government spokesmen telling us in the newspapers and on talk shows that ‘We’re only in the fourth circle of Hell, everything is progressing admirably!’ Kevin! Wake up, you peckerhead!”

Me: “Your mom says that, due to the drawdown, your firm’s contract was terminated.”

J D: “What is this, an ambush interview? Sure. In the end, it comes down to money. But that’s not why we failed to get extended. There’s more work to be done during the drawdown than ever before. We got tired of playing games, deluding ourselves.”

Me: “Karzai— ”

J D: “Forget Karzai! What do you know, shit head? The entire country is a kleptocracy. We’re trying to ship home war materiel that the Pentagon deems valuable. Vehicles that can be used in other theaters of war. Technology. The Afghans let us bring all the shit into the country without batting an eyelash. Now that we want to take some home, they want us to pay export fees. To bring home our own shit. Our own equipment. Keep your mouth shut!”

Me: “But— ”

J D: “Shut up! You don’t know anything, so put a cork in it.”


J D: “Better! The only reason we went to Afghanistan was to find Osama bin Laden. He was hiding in the foothills of Tora Bora. We went looking for him. Period. We had help from the Northern Alliance, which was nice, but our U.S. ground forces moved too slowly. One night, Osama and his crew slipped away using flashlights. At that point, we should have left. It was cold up in the mountains. The Afghans knew the terrain and hid in their caves, making fools of us. Once Osama left for Pakistan, we should have hightailed it out of Afghanistan. Isn’t hindsight wonderful?

“Instead, we put Hamid Karzai in the presidential palace, dithering for twelve years in delusional nation building.

“What a waste in blood and treasure! The Afghans are all right without our help. It’s a primitive, tribal society. People don’t even like one another from one valley to the next! Kabul has no support in the countryside. None. Kabul has never had the support of the villagers! That doesn’t matter as long as you are running a Third World country of patchwork allegiances. Subsistence agriculture, poppy production, Afghanistan is a very poor country that scrapes by.

“They are NOT democrats. They are NOT democratic. They have no traditions in that direction. A strongman gathers tribes around himself and forms an alliance. We’re talking fiefdoms, nothing more. Who’s in charge of this valley? Who’s the warlord? Who do you see here? Who do we need to talk to? HIM! He’s the warlord.

“The villagers don’t get democratic elections. Elected leaders, what’s that?! Karzai sees elections as a plot to unseat him, his family and his friends. To the victor go the spoils. Like Yasser Arafat, Karzai and his brothers Ahmed and Mahmud see nothing wrong with enriching themselves at the public trough. Oink, oink!

“The Pashtuns are pederasts. They kidnap young boys and practice bacha bazi, sex with pubescent boys. Orphans have nobody around to protect them. The boys get turned into male prostitutes, the girls become ‘house servants.’ Otherwise known as slaves.

“Stop making faces, peckerhead! It’s their system and it’s functioned perfectly well for hundreds of years! We’re the naive lamebrains, coming into Afghanistan and thinking we can change their society. Foster democratic principles! We wanted to get them off poppy and drug production, so we set up a program to cultivate wheat. Sure! Only they cultivate both, wheat to satisfy the government program and poppy to sell as a cash opium crop. The villagers find nothing wrong with that. As long as we want to pay them, they’ll participate. For money!

“As long as it wasn’t dangerous, young men were willing to don the uniform of allied troops and play soldier. For money. Now that the Taliban has totally infiltrated the Afghan Army, a few young men still sign up, but they are much more fatalistic. Makes sense, you could get blown to bits any day now.”

Me: “You sound bitter. You put such a putrid slant on things.”

J D: “Hello! What world are you living in? Grow up! People don’t automatically share your agenda. Things go well because you make them go well. So don’t try to do the impossible. The Afghans will never be like us in a thousand years!

            “The TALIBAN. Who the fuck are these people? The Obama administration, the Afghan Army and Karzai all pretend they came from outer space. THE VILLAGERS ARE THE TALIBAN! The Taliban are Afghans, radicalized Afghan nationals. The madrassa religious schools are across the border in Pakistan, but the Taliban themselves are Afghans. The Pakistani security service has long used the Taliban insurgency as a means to destabilize Afghanistan.

“Sure, the insurgents don’t agree with the other villagers who haven’t drunk the Kool-Aid and declared jihadi holy war. But this idea that we’re clearing the Taliban out of some specific geographic area and they won’t come back—that’s just stupid. IT’S THEIR COUNTRY! They are the local, indigenous population! When we leave, they’ll come creeping out of the woodwork again!

“If Obama had any balls, he’d come clean to the American people, declare Karzai a nonentity and pull our goddam troops out NOW. Instead, we’re playing this charade about democratic elections and hocus-pocus progress. We Americans! Always the blue-eyed optimists! We’re busy with a drawdown and a timetable and teaching our Afghan allies how to fight. Nation building!  Desperately shoring up a totally corrupt regime in Kabul while the countryside quietly goes into convulsions.

“Remember Vietnam? We went looking everywhere for the Viet Cong. They were the Joes standing right next to us! The ‘enemy’ was the same people we were trying to ‘save.’ The last American troops got scraped off the embassy roof by helicopter. The next morning, POW! The North Vietnamese Army came rolling into Saigon with tanks. The friendly, pro-Western, puppet government totally collapsed.

“You’d better brush up on your history, bro’, because it’s about to happen again! Another tribal society with an indigenous population totally foreign to western thought, artificially adopting democratic principles. While the villagers wait for the white imperialists to leave and then TAKE BACK THEIR COUNTRY.

“We’re fucked. Get used to it.”


            Sounds to me like a wake-up call.


Benghazi Coverup


                                                  Now Hiring:

                                     Adult Leadership Required


            Tomorrow is election day. The country is evenly divided, which indicates what a no-show the Obama administration has been.

            Whoever we elect president, the U.S.A. isn’t going to split apart like an egg.

            The election has resulted in some great photo ops: ecstatic crowds, flags, the candidates gesticulating in a variety of ways, close-ups of the concerned faces of stalwart Americans.

            The attack ads on television drum their messages into our homes: What a predatory capitalist bastard Romney is, what a two-faced do-nothing spendthrift currently resides in the White House. “Romney will do away with Planned Parenthood… Under Romney, health care costs will skyrocket…”

            “We can’t afford four more years of Obama… Under Obama, the national debt has skyrocketed, unemployment remains at record levels and the middle class is struggling…”

            Romney uses the Ronald Reagan playbook: Looking kind and unruffled, he speaks earnestly, proposing such outlandishly conservative actions, no one believes YOU WILL ACTUALLY DO THOSE THINGS: Disband the Environmental Protection Agency on Day One. Give the oil and gas industries free reign to drill and fracture everywhere, on shore and off. Privatize Medicare, using vouchers, so the private insurance companies make billions and consumers pay through the nose.

            Surprise!!! A-hole means all the terrible things he is saying!

            As for Obama… ugh!

            The presidency suffers from arrested development:

            Bill Clinton was our first college boy president, pulling all-nighters, gorging on junk food, frolicking with the ladies.

            George W. Bush was a 17-year-old, riding his bike, cracking jokes, clearing brush on his ranch, reading children’s books to 3rd-graders.

            Obama is our first 8-year-old president, parading, flying around in Air Force One, making grand speeches, posing endlessly, cluelessly playing at being an adult.


            The latest scandal is Benghazi, Libya. Bob Woodward of The Washington Post is busy conducting interviews. Word is, this will dwarf Watergate.

            In commemoration of 9/11, a large Arab militia carried out a planned attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. The consulate called desperately for help at 9:40 p.m. A CIA “stronghold” a mile away sent operatives— including former Navy Seals— who fought off the attackers, pulled one guy out of the burning compound, searched unsuccessfully for the others, and then waged a 7-hour firefight, returning to the CIA location.

            A cry for reinforcements was sent to the Situation Room at the White House. Incredibly, American forces in the Mediterranean and Italy— who could have flown to Benghazi while the battle still raged— were instructed by Washington to “stand down.”

            What happened in the White House?

            (1) First scenario: The cables came in, but went unread. This seems extremely unlikely, since the Situation Room is manned 24-7.

            (2) Second scenario: The messages were received, but somehow never made it to the president. Not a very credible supposition, although on the day Osama bin Laden was killed, the Secret Service had to pull President Obama off the golf course and take him to the Situation Room in his golf clothes.

            (3) Third possibility: Informed of Benghazi, Obama and his staff dithered, worried about escalating hostilities in the Arab world. In the end, they did nothing, leaving the battle to the troops on the ground.


            In Benghazi, just before dawn, a mortar attack on the CIA annex killed two ex-Navy Seals, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who were firing from the roof. Quick action in Washington could have prevented those deaths. Scuttlebutt indicates that by then, American forces had killed over one hundred of the armed insurgents.


            In the days following September 11, 2012, the U.S. apologized over American-run Radio Sawa, throughout the Middle East, for the anti-Muslim video on YouTube. Alerted to the presence of this insult to the Prophet Mohammed, crowds demonstrated their anger and resentment.

            This stupid video had absolutely nothing to do with the attack in Benghazi.


                                ADULT LEADERSHIP REQUIRED


President Whosis, Pt. 1

[ Note: First, thanks for great encouragement!!! In hard copy or ebook, this text  includes awesome illustrations by renown (?) artist Tommy Mousetrap. I have reformatted my file and published as an ebook on!!! A  little glitchy, it is out there, but awaits their review process. They have a backlog and need two weeks.  – Kevin ]

President Whosis: Gaga 4 Obama?

                              Political Satire by Kevin Feingold

                                               Part One


                                      A Hobbit in Hillaryland


         Some people have all the fun. We’re the other 99%. Our turn!!!

         You’ve been conned. Read how!

         In a nation founded on equality, overachievers get life served on a silver platter.

          President Blackie Rufus Diamond.

         Orator, Denver politician, con artist, voodoo witchdoctor, America’s new Messiah…   

            Welcome to a parallel universe of political irony. The presidential campaigns of 2012 reek of clunky oratory, gaffes, flubbed opportunities, condescension, partisanship and arrogance. The bullshit artist Democrat runs against the idiot savant Republican. You gotta laugh! The true genius of America’s first black president shines through. We get to know “Blackie” best through his speeches. Like a city on a hill, a lighthouse in the fog, a taser up your butt, the stirring words and inexplicable deeds of President Blackie Diamond are breathless to behold.

            Good luck with that!

            In a mash-up of serious discussion and whimsy — Kevin Feingold, guilty scribbler of the humor blog — desperately tries to cut through the posturing, rhetoric, b.s. and subterfuge, portraying a presidency and a country seriously out of control.

                                                      —  Dante Phillips



             Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th president of the United States of America, doesn’t know what he’s doing. According to Marc A. Thiessen of the American Enterprise Institute, the current administration makes investments in ecological, “green” technologies, but the companies to whom they loan the money, all too often turn belly-up. Leaving us taxpayers holding the bag. 1

              Billions of dollars!

             Solyndra, whose out-dated technology cost taxpayers a cool $535 million in loan guarantees.

             ECOtality received $126.2 million in taxpayer money in 2009 to install electric car chargers in five states. The company has since incurred $45 million in losses. They themselves say that they don’t believe the company will ever reach profitability!

             The Obama administration made a $33 million grant to Raser Technologies to build a power plant in Beaver Creek, Utah. The company now owes $1.5 million in back taxes and has filed for bankruptcy protection!

             Nevada Geothermal Power received a $98.5 million loan guarantee in 2010. With their cash reserves depleted, the company is in economic turmoil and may go under.

            First Solar: $3 billion in loan guarantees for power plants in Arizona and California. They just burned through $401 million in restructuring costs and fired 30% of the workforce.

             Abound Solar received a $400 million loan guarantee to build photovoltaic panel factories. The company halted production in February and laid off 180 employees.

              SunPower received a $1.2 billion loan guarantee and, in January, owed more than the company is worth.

              Brightsource: A $1.6 billion loan guarantee has been followed by losses totaling $177 million.

               Too many of the people behind these businesses either contributed bigtime to the current president’s campaign or are major donors to the Democratic Party. We’re seeing crony capitalism lead to dud investments.

              I’m tired of the president playing mutual fund manager. He’s no good at it! When I have shares in a mutual fund saddled with bad management, I liquidate my holdings!

              Other things that get my goat:

              Bailing out the banks, the Wall Street brokerage houses and the auto industry, our leader has let Main Street wither. As home values and share prices tumbled, the average American family lost 35% of their net worth in the last five years! The average wealth of a family of four is currently $66,740, according to the Census Bureau.

             The “McCain-Feingold” legislation, allowing campaign finance reform— cleaning up a veritable cesspool of politicians for sale to special interest groups— received only a tepid response from the current occupant in the White House.

             Why does the president support oil prospecting off the coast of Virginia? Haven’t we learned anything about off-shore drilling from the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster?

             In “fracking” or “fracturing,” the gas companies pump poisonous chemicals into the bedrock to release natural gas. Supposedly, these poisons won’t leak into the groundwater. Wherever fracturing is used, however, all kinds of environmental issues result.

              The ethanol industry lied to us. They claimed they could make ethanol from the sheaths and stalks of corn, while the corn itself would be reserved for human and animal consumption. Once the government funded the tech research, provided the start-up capital and got the ethanol producers underway, these tricky capitalists announced that in order to be profitable, they needed to grind up the corn along with the stalks.

             We bought one of those newfangled H2Low / he washing machines that use very little water and high energy detergent. Like the Obama presidency, there are a lot of bells and whistles, but it doesn’t get the job done! This machine does everything except clean clothes. 

             According to Rajiv Chandrasekaran of The Washington Post, the 54,000 soldier “surge” in Afghanistan in 2009 – 2010 put over a third of the task force—20,500 Marines— in Helmand province, where they had very little work, instead of placing them in Kandahar, where the insurgency is mushrooming. 2

              As Commander In Chief, the prez failed to back the State Department and Richard C. Holbrooke’s peace initiative, which could have made a deal with the Taliban and ended the Afghan conflict with “Dayton”-style accords. Instead, Mr. Passive-Aggressive, the president allowed bureaucratic infighting and one-upmanship to overshadow a possible solution. Our boots on the ground continue to be killed while billions of dollars go into a wasted war effort. 3

              Chandrasekaran calculates that the war in Afghanistan is going to cost the American taxpayer an additional $100 billion in 2012.

              The Taliban are still using Pakistan as a sanctuary. The Pakistani military is losing patience with America’s demands that they clean out the sanctuaries.

              In this election year, the Democratic incumbent in the White House sides with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who is little more than an American puppet. One of Hamid’s brothers runs “The Helmand,” a restaurant on North Charles Street in Baltimore, Maryland featuring Afghan cuisine. A Pashtun, touchy and corrupt, Hamid himself heads a cantankerous regime in Kabul. It’s nice for Hamid Karzai that he has U.S. backing, since his fellow Afghans in the countryside feel no particular affection for him.

             “Basically, Karzai bitches about night raids whenever we bag one of his relatives,” explains a military source.

              You know those attack ads on TV denigrating Obama, Romney and your local candidates? The Congress could outlaw them overnight! Television content is strictly enforced by the FCC, the Federal Communications Commission. So why this glut of bilge? Because our politicians like slash and burn politics, and the Supreme Court has given corporations the right to form super PACs, who can spend enormous amounts of money and whose members are known only to themselves. When Congress passes a law banning attack ads, a conservative Supreme Court might overturn it, based on First Amendment rights. We can still rid ourselves of this filth, if the American people want to: If two-thirds of the state legislatures vote to abolish them, attack ads are history!

              My mom has three additional issues:

             We’ve got a “liberal” president who is a closet lackey of Big Business. The Republicans have a “Big Business candidate” who is a closet liberal.

             Now that the Muslim Brotherhood won the election in Egypt, no one in the U.S. Congress is petitioning for one penny of the Egyptian aid appropriation to be released. Sharia law is not the American way. With this president, however, you never know: He may decide the Muslim Brotherhood will like us better if we send them the one billion dollars in aid.

             Our dear president favors the Canadian tar sands project. Extracting oil from the sands requires three times as much water as oil produced. Once used to clean tar sands, the contaminated water returns to the earth, poisoning the water table for generations to come. By 2030, drinkable, unpolluted water, H2O, will be the scarce commodity over which countries go to war. As such, the Canadian tar sands project seems both shortsighted and incredibly foolish.



1 “Obama’s equity problem,” Marc A. Thiessen, The Washington Post, May 25, 2012, p. A19.

2 “A MISPLACED SURGE,” Rajiv Chandrasekaran, The Washington Post, June 24, 2012, p. A1, A16 & A17.

3 “The war within the war cabinet,” Rajiv Chandrasekaran, The Washington Post, June 25, 2012, p. A1 & A18.


                                From the desk of Kevin Feingold                               

Journal                         A Hobbit in Hillaryland

                                                                                          Saturday, March 1, 2008 

            There is something of the flimflam artist about Barack Obama. This flashy character arrives in town, wows everybody and gets us to do his bidding. This amazing young man is signing up millions of people to march behind him to a New Jerusalem. Yes, I’ve seen the pictures of his “gorgeous” wife and his pretty daughters. Yes, I’ve heard his life story. It seems a little too good to be true. Only a grouchy cynic like me would stand on the sidelines, muttering, “My experience is, when things seem too good to be true… they usually are. This guy’s a snow job.”

            I felt like I was the only one, but I soon found that there were a lot of us saying the same thing. We got behind our own candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Not a totally unknown commodity. I have become an unpaid volunteer, manning a phone bank at Hillary headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. Retired from the military, twice divorced, I live with my mom, sharing the family house I grew up in.

            I tried being a rent-a-cop, but who wants to get shot defending a shopping mall? So desperate for money, I’m not.

                                                                                           Monday, March 31, 2008

            John F. Kennedy was a combat veteran with 14 years in Congress before running for president. Obama is a freshman senator with three years to his credit. He talks endlessly about the 10 years he spent as a labor organizer in Chicago and the legislation he claims to have authored. This latest issue of Newsweek sports a cover story “When ‘Barry’ Became Barack.” It asks us not to judge too harshly since Barack Obama is still very much a work-in-progress.

            I don’t want a president who is still learning the ropes!

            We already have a George W. Bush-style experience: An affable man learning by doing, sure of his own convictions, unilaterally making up policy as he goes along. Once is enough!

            The presidency is too important to be an on-the-job training program. I want to elect a professional.

            When my sink clogs, I want a plumber, not an enthusiastic amateur who stands in the kitchen waving his arms, making speeches about how I should feel good about myself. Or recites the history of indoor plumbing back to the ancient Greeks. When I go to the dentist, I want a professional who cares for my teeth, not a gabby amateur who stands by the dental chair making glorious pronouncements about dentistry.                                                                               

                                                                                          Wednesday, April 2, 2008

            Apparently, the Obama people have given us a piece of brilliant political theater, proffering the vice presidency to Al Gore. I say apparently because the only media coverage mom and I can find consists of one radio announcement and a reference on TV’s nightly news. I think David Letterman mentions it in his monologue. Willful blindness? Anyway, Gore says “No.”

                                                                                          Thursday, April 17, 2008

            Watching the hallelujah choruses surrounding the Papal Mass on TV, mom asks, “What’s this, an Obama rally?”

            The Washington Post television critic Tom Shales administers a tongue-lashing to ABC News regarding last night’s Philadelphia debate. Co-anchors Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos are accused of “shoddy, despicable performances.” Shales complains that the debate was snippy and clearly weighted against Obama. He describes “network newsniks” panting like dogs in anticipation of candidate missteps and misstatements. Shales feels that Tim Russert and MSNBC do a much better job. From the vitriol in his review, you might think Shales favors Obama.

                                                                                                Saturday, April 26, 2008

              Thousands of good, imaginative suggestions come into campaign headquarters every week from Hillary supporters, by phone, fax, email and letter:

              Places she should visit, people she should meet, local events we can combine with campaign rallies for maximum effect.

            Atlanta, Georgia: “We’re the Peanut State. Hillary and Shirley Franklin, the Mayor of Atlanta, can have a peanut-eating contest. We’ll call it ‘Battle of the Nuts.’ That fits Hillary and our mayor like a glove! We’ll ask each person at the fundraiser to contribute $1 to Hillary’s campaign for every peanut eaten.”


            Indianapolis, Indiana: “Hillary knows how to drive, doesn’t she? We’ll put her in a souped-up roadster— nothing dangerous— and have her drive a ‘Victory Lap’ around the speedway before the big race.”

           We also get the usual kooky ideas (“Have Hillary climb the tallest butte in Montana!… Have Hillary spend a day in a slaughterhouse to show solidarity with the meatpacking industry!… Have Hillary scuba dive for eco-friendly tourism!”) as well as bizarre requests for top-level negotiations with the big names at the top of the food chain: “I need to talk with your campaign manager!”

            Yeah, right! Fat chance, considering I never even see her.

             “Let me talk with the campaign treasurer!”— I transfer the call to her office.

              “Connect me with Hillary! It’s urgent!”

               Ha ha ha ha!

              We enter all suggestions into our data bank, attributed or anonymously… “You choose!” It’s a miracle if the campaign actualizes 1/10th of the best ideas. Put simply, nothing happens. Even the greatest concepts never see the light of day, smothered by a bureaucracy where no two departments communicate.                                                                  

            “This is New Zealand Television. I’m doing you the courtesy of telling you that Christchurch is going to do such an exposé on Hillary Clinton, she won’t have a peg left to hang her duster!”

            “Whoa! Whoa! I’m just a volunteer. What’s this about?”

            “We’ve been after Hillary for three months to set up an interview and she keeps giving us the walkabout. You don’t brush aside New Zealanders and not pay a price!”

            “I’m sure it’s a screw-up! This campaign has an abiding affection for Kiwis. We love you guys! Who did you talk to?”

            “That’s just it, mate. No one will talk with us.”

            “Wait! You’ve been leaving messages on the Press Office voicemail?”

            “That’s the way of it, laddie.”

            “PLEASE, don’t take it personally. They never call back anybody. Our Press Office is constantly on the road. They’re a total bollocks.”

            “Well, you understand my point then!” ranted the Kiwi a little less violently.

            Trying the extension, all I got was voicemail.

            I took the man’s particulars and passed his request to Cathy, my supervisor. Unflustered, brilliant, she can handle anything. I’m always fascinated by the incredible collection of Hillary campaign tjochkes 1 on her desk: pens, pads, coffee mugs, umbrellas, watches, baseball caps, T-shirts, books, photos, CDs and DVDs. [ 1 Yiddish: knickknacks, small possessions ]

            I don’t know if the New Zealanders ever got their interview, but Cathy and I did what we could. She and I are extremely proficient. Farther up the chain of command, however, life becomes murky and chaotic.

                                                                                                 Tuesday, May 6, 2008

             Facing Indiana and North Carolina primaries, Obama’s message of “Hope!” is still there, he’s merely narrowed the focus to “I hope you vote for me!”

            Manchester, New Hampshire: “Why are you working at Hillary headquarters, young man? Bill screwed the chambermaid and Hillary forgave him. That shows the Clintons harbor not a shred of human decency. Get out of there while you still have your integrity intact!”

                                                                                                Thursday, May 8, 2008

            TV nightly news: Barack Obama says if he wins the Democratic primary in Oregon on May 20, he’s going to declare victory. Hey, Barry, it ain’t over ‘till the fat lady sings! What a dude!

                                                                                                Tuesday, May 13, 2008

              Natalia Mendez reports a polling irregularity in Palestine, West Virginia. At her polling place in Burning Springs, Wirt County, she went in to vote this morning and says Hillary’s name was not on the ballot. I call our precinct captain in Wirt County. She investigates. Answer: Natalia got a Republican ballot by mistake!


            “Can’t you do anything about MSNBC?” ask Hillary supporters over the phone. “Can’t you call CNN and get them to treat Hillary fairly?”

            “We call,” I tell them. “We call and complain. But since we seem to lack even the support of Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean, it’s an uphill battle, countering the flow of negative propaganda.”

            Washington, D.C.— which used to be a nice enough town— has become hellish, what with the self-righteous fury of the pundits, the newspeople and the Obamaniacs. Suddenly, those of us who simply cannot follow the flimflam man are an oppressed minority! It’s bad enough that we don’t  “get” his appeal, we are now held up to public ridicule and told our hopes for Hillary are delusional. (I gotta stop reading the newspapers!)

            Norman, Oklahoma: “Ken Starr spent $44 million and found nothing—absolutely nothing— on the Clintons. The people around here don’t understand that! You tell Hillary, ‘You go, girl!’ Don’t tell my husband, but I’m sending Hillary some money for her campaign!”

            What started out as a contest between several attractive contenders has degenerated into a witch-hunt. Hup-Hup Clinton is behind by 150 pledged delegates in the primaries. We’re on the 15th tee of a golf tournament. It’s the third quarter of a basketball game (Obama’s sport, basketball). We’re in the 7th inning of a baseball game, and instead of being allowed to play to the end of the game, the announcer is shouting over the P.A. system, “Hillary is behind, she should leave the field!” The Obama campaign half-heartedly rebukes the announcer while harping on this message, claiming Hillary is destroying the great game of politics. Where is the Obama team’s sense of good sportsmanship? Quitters never win and winners never quit!

             And Obama is a poor winner: Instead of being glad about leading the field, he is vindictive. Wake up, America! Harassing your opponent is not the American way.We’re supposed to be magnanimous in victory and gracious in defeat. Shame on you, Barack Obama! Why do you resent Hillary Clinton and John McCain also trying for the presidency? Why sulk?

             Duluth, Minnesota; Albuquerque, New Mexico; hundreds of other places: “You tell Obama…” Good Lord, the things our supporters wish us to impart to the Obama campaign! Generally, I delete or rephrase the profane parts.

             Look, Barack Obama insists on running in 2008, it is his campaign. He sets the tone, he calls the shots. Hunched over the microphone at press conferences, the insulting barbs roll off his acid tongue.

             Suggestion from Skokie, Illinois: “I want Hillary to kiss a baby pig. I know, I know, but Chicago is the center of the pork industry and we need to do something to counteract that black guy!”

             Barack and Michelle Obama, David Axelrod and David Plouffe have a lot to answer for. They play their mind games, they parse words, they shout that they are victims. They claim they are being swiftboated because of race.

            How dare Obama play the race card! There are blacks throughout the Hillary campaign, top to bottom. Plus Asians, Latinos, Indians and Caucasians. A veritable hodge-podge of humanity works in “Hillaryland.”

             Biloxi, Mississippi: “Bill Clinton was our first black president and don’t you let anybody forget it!”

             Sometimes the regional accents are so thick, I have to cobble together the message as best I can. Our callers are nice. They may lose patience, but they only chuckle over my ineptitude. “Don’t they teach you people Mountain English before turning you loose on the phone system?” twangs a hillbilly from West Virginia. I can all but hear the tobacco juice running down his chin.

             My kind of people! Grounded. Real.

             Team Obama blames the Establishment for beating up on the little guy, the outsider. And every few days, one of them makes a disparaging remark about Hillary: She “doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” She’s “out of control.”

           We pride ourselves on being a democratic country, free of hate, but there is bad blood in this election, fed by misbehavior, “gotcha” journalism and an endless series of attacks on Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain.

           We have “Change We Can Believe In,” all right. Politics used to be fun and exciting. These weasels have made it bloody and heartbreaking for the 18 million Hillary supporters. This climate sucks!

           Life is bleak in Obamaland! 

          Madison, Wisconsin: “When she’s out here campaigning, have Hillary milk a cow! It won’t kill her and it will show, symbolically, that she supports the dairy industry. What does a city boy like Obama know about cows? He couldn’t tell the back end from the front.”

            Hillary was there first. Everyone knew in 2000 that eventually she would make a run for the White House. The country was finally going to have a woman president!!! How’s that for a change? Obama appears to be a Johnny-come-lately, a usurper, a wrecker. He has turned the Democratic Party primary process into a SmackDown!                                                                                        

                                                                                           Saturday, May 17, 2008

            Two ladies in Cambria, California own a bed-and-breakfast facing the ocean. Each of them gets on an extension and we brainstorm campaign concepts. I enter the data in the appropriate files for the delectation of my bosses on the floors above. We also exchange malicious gossip. (We’re as bad as everyone else!) “Of course Obama is a Muslim,” they insist. “He’s just this side of a terrorist! In Chicago, he hangs around with Bill Ayers, an anarchist bomb-thrower from the Weather Underground! Obama learned Marxism at the knees of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who are both slightly to the left of Chairman Mao. Mobster Tony Rezko bought a million-dollar house in an up-scale neighborhood and sold it to Obama for half-price! The only change that interests Team O is the change in your pocket!”

            I share with them an aphorism provided by one of our callers:

                          “On Monday, Wednesday and Friday

                                 Obama is a white boy.

                            On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,

                                      He’s black.

                             He takes Sundays off.”

            Mom and I have vacationed in Cambria. We stayed at Cambria Pines Lodge on the edge of town.

            “Next time you come out, stay with us!” my lady friends laugh.

            Sure, they’re gay, but we dig each other. I keep their info for future reference.

            Seattle, Washington: “You tell Hillary to get out of the race! How dare she try to compete with Obama?! Who does she think she is? Obama offers hope! All Hillary and Bill— and you— offer is more of the same. You tell Hillary to get the hell out of the way. She should throw her support behind Obama! Everybody should!”

             Since Hillary isn’t as popular as Obama, all these people in authority continue screaming at us that Hillary Clinton ought to get out of the race. Who? Obama, his supporters, his campaign manager David Axelrod, NBC’s Tim Russert, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, The Washington Post. Congressional bigwigs.

            Why aren’t the rest of us allowed to disagree with the Obama campaign without getting attacked? Why are all Americans required to think only one way, the Obama way? What happened to freedom of speech, freedom of thought? Barack, what are you doing, bro’?

            Landover, Maryland: “Who are you? Who am I speaking with?”

            “I’m Kevin. I’m a volunteer on the Hillary for President campaign.”

            “How much do they pay you?”

            “I’m an unpaid volunteer.”

            “Are they still accepting unpaid volunteers?”

            “I would think so. Here’s my supervisor’s phone number…”

            “I live in Landover, Maryland. What’s your address? I’m coming over there tomorrow to volunteer! I’m sick of people being mean to Hillary!”



            In America, we like our religion straight, not mixed with politics into a religio-political cocktail. The Obama campaign has bragged in Rolling Stone magazine about the “Camp Obama” program, where young people are taught to go out and spread the word— “missionaries,” to use the dictionary definition. People on a mission, spreading a gospel. When working, they tell how they “came to” Obama, as if they were coming to Jesus.

           Oprah Winfrey toured with the Obama campaign in South Carolina. That’s where they really found their voice, in Columbia, S.C. They got that “Ol’ Time Religion.” The ultimate crowd-pleaser— more popular than Jay Leno— nobody knows how to whip up hysteria like Oprah.

            Obama the lawyer knows all about the separation of church and state, but he’s willing to harness the power of religious euphoria, if that’s what it takes to get elected. Give the man credit, he may be an Elmer Gantry, but he is having a ball! Read Newsweek! His formula for success has made him the hands-down favorite for the Democratic nomination.

            Witnessing the hysteria at Obama rallies— the four-hour waits in line, 10,000 spectators at a local suburban event— I entreat my fellow Democrats, “We have separation of church and state. You are worshipping a false Messiah.”

            To no avail.

            They want to worship at Obama’s feet. They want to touch the hem of his garment. The “whatever” generation has found its redeemer, all gloss, no substance!

            I, on the other hand, worry about a polarized society. Obama is no friend to the black community: They have every right to support their man, but what happens if he is unsuccessful? By raising their hopes to the very pinnacle of expectation, Barack is paving the way for a terrible disappointment if he goes down to defeat at the Democratic Convention in August or in the general election in November.

            For all his talk of being a unifier, Barack Obama is the greatest polarizer since Richard Nixon. This young man’s campaign claims John McCain is losing his bearings. We’re talking about a war hero, the Republican candidate for president! Show some gentlemanly respect, Barry!

            Your fancy lawyer tactics are bad for the U.S.A.

            Newark, New Jersey: “I have a plan for paying off the deficit and balancing the budget!”

            “That’s wonderful! I’m all ears.”

            “Well, now, you got to negotiate a contract first, bubba.”

            “You have a plan for righting the economy, but you want a consultant’s fee?”

            “You got that right! This is the only meal ticket I got. I can’t just give it away!”

            “Well… I can enter your contract proposal into our system. If the higher-ups want to get in touch with you, they will.”

            “Yeah. Okay. You do that!”

            “What’s your name?”…                                           

                                                                                           Saturday, May 24, 2008

              Some days, the pollen absolutely kills me. Since it grabs me in the stomach, I subsist on coffee. Weak as a kitten, I don’t tell Cathy. She’d send me home!

            The campaign is getting to me. What have I heard, fielding calls from our volunteers during the primaries?

             “I’m at our caucus location, but the Obama people have elbowed me out of the building. They’ve shoved me onto the gravel parking lot and they won’t let me back inside. What do I do?” asked a volunteer on his cellphone.

            “The Obama people are keying cars,” reported another, this one on March 4 from the Great State of Texas. “Everybody knows who supports who in this town, so they’re takin’ their car keys and scratching the paint on the automobiles of Hillary’s supporters.”

            “I got a problem,” reported a third. “I’m the precinct captain for Hillary’s campaign. I thought the Obama guy and I had an understanding. We had two voting boxes on the table, y’know? People could put their ballots in either one. Now the Obama guy has picked up one of the two ballot boxes, marched out the back of the gym, hopped in his pickup and driven off. What do I do now?”

               Half the Democratic Party is beating up on the other half because, as their slogan says, Yes, we can! As long as John Edwards was in the race— and it was a three-way— people didn’t hound Hillary to death. Politics was still a contest. The tone remained civil. Today, the Obama people don’t care who they hurt or what damage they do, as long as Barack gets the nomination.

                A divisive character out of a bad novel, a Willie Stark, Obama turns friend against friend and neighbor against neighbor. What a trick this slick pol has pulled on the American people!

                                                                                           Tuesday, May 27, 2008

                  My doctor feels smoking is the most unnatural activity imaginable. After a lifetime of addiction, I stopped on December 18, 2005. I smoked my last cigarette at 10:05 p.m., the nicotine making my heart almost leap out of my chest. “Holy mackerel,” I decided, “I’m not doing this anymore!”  Nowadays, I take regular coffee breaks, instead. Here at headquarters, I brew instant coffee in a porcelain mug at the hot water nozzle on the office water cooler. Instead of getting angry, the bosses find my little enthusiasms endearing. I’m a star! The shifts are four hours long, but I bring a bag lunch and give the campaign a full eight-hour day, three or four times a week, as the election season heats up.


             “Hey, man, you got to move your trucks, man. You blocking our access to  the trash containers! You gonna get rats, man,” says the bantering voice in thick Chicano.

            “Wait! Where are these trucks?”

             “Behind you building, amigo. Two big white wans. ‘Hillary for President’ on the side. Move them so we can collect the garbage!”

             “Listen, I’m up on the third floor. Let me look through the back window.”

              I see the green refuse truck and the driver standing on the pavement with his cellphone pressed to his ear. I can also see the roofs of two large white vans very decorously parked behind our building. Two big green dumpsters sit between the vans and the back wall, hopelessly boxed in.

             “I’ll get the vans moved!” I tell him, furious that no one put them away in the parking garage.

             “You gotta move ‘em, man. We get paid to collect the garbage. You screwin’ up our schedule. It hot out. That garbage gonna smell. That attracts rats.”

             I take the problem to Cathy. Ten minutes later, I’m back manning a station on the computerized phone system when Cathy comes into the Call Center, extends two sets of keys and asks, “Do you know how to drive a van?”

              In Vietnam, troops in the field soon learned that military command in Saigon understood next to nothing about their situation. Each unit learned to organize the war in their own little theater of operations. Field commanders ran their own ops. The Clinton campaign is strikingly similar. Our command center, on floors four and five, is manned by amateurs— with a few windy operatives spread throughout the ranks like raisins in a cake. Despite numerous attempts, they fail to come to grips with even the most menial of duties: scheduling events, arranging transportation, paying bills. Only through endless redundancy— and people taking personal initiative— do we paste over the gaping holes in our organization.

                                                                                           Thursday, May 29, 2008

            “Hillarity” is a major part of the problem. Everybody’s screwball sister, some members of the family hate her and some adore her. She is too moral and too nice. Would that she were the barracuda her critics claim! This primary season purgatory would have ended two months ago!

             When the Reverend Wright scandal broke in March, Hills could have gotten on a soapbox and— full of righteous indignation— she could have spoken out for 32 minutes “on behalf of all fair-minded people” and blown the Obama campaign… out… of… the… water! Once and for all!

             What a set-up! The pastor who married Barack and Michelle Obama— whose church in Chicago they attended for 14 years, whose sermons they listened to— now claims the government created AIDS to kill black people: ”The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color.” He says America brought 9/11 upon itself. He wants his parishioners to sing “God damn America.”

              Instead of going for the jugular, Hillary chooses to play nice and show understanding.

             When Michelle Obama said her husband’s candidacy is the first time, as an adult, she has felt proud of this country, Hillary could have thundered a denunciation from the mountain tops: “I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PROUD OF AMERICA!” She could have hurled lightning bolts. Not wanting to bolster her political cartoon caricature as an assassin, she didn’t do it.

             Meanwhile, the Obama camp— exhibiting no such reluctance— wounds her with a thousand cuts, slights and barbs. “You’re likeable enough, Hillary,” Obama said sourly at a January 5, 2008 televised debate, looking ready to puke.

             Gee, thanks, Barry!

              Whenever Obama’s campaign has hit a brick wall, when he’s planted a wingtipped shoe squarely in his mouth— yo! his daddy never met John F. Kennedy, and no, his uncle was not in the Red Army when it liberated Auschwitz— instead of going for the kill, Hillary thinks with the right side of her brain, declares us all brothers and sisters in one Democratic Party, and begins singing a refrain of “Kumbaya.”

             With the Democratic National Committee, The Washington Post, Newsweek, NBC, CBS, CNN, The Oregonian and the Los Angeles Times all firmly against her, Hillary the Loser acts as if she is on a level playing field! Politely, she follows political etiquette, avoiding the impulse to resort to killer tactics. Hillary believes in the Tooth Fairy, but the super delegates may never come and put a quarter under our pillows!

                                                                                           Saturday, May 31, 2008

            Every Saturday morning at exactly 11 a.m., Zack calls from Detroit. There are 12 stations in the Call Center, but at that hour, only one or two of us are working. Often enough, I field his call. “Zack my man!” I exclaim, recognizing his voice.

            “What kinda week has Hillary had?” he asks.

            I yank some tidbit from the press releases in my looseleaf notebook.

            Zack is just making conversation. As soon as I finish, he launches into a full-frontal attack: “When is the Democratic Party going to do something about impeaching Governor Jennifer Granholm? She is the Angel of Death here in Detroit! Replace her, recall her, repeal her, march her before a firing squad!”

            “Easy, ace!” I say, and try to talk him down.

            He then asks my (my!) economic solution to the budget deficit. “I’m not an economist!” I counter.

            I get a 10-minute lecture on balancing the budget and finance reform.

            “I’ve got other calls, boss! Anything I should send up the chain of command?” I ask.

            “Tell Hillary to choose someone with balls for a vice president!” Zack suggests, before launching into a fresh tirade over Jennifer Granholm.

            “Until next time, ace!” I say, gently interrupting. “Always a pleasure, Zack, always a pleasure.”

            He is one of about a dozen people who call headquarters for a weekly therapy session. Nice to everybody, we give them their seven-day fix of adrenaline.  

              Sean Lengell writes in The Washington Times that

                               “Clinton sees end of road for campaign.

“Mrs. Clinton yesterday rejected the notion of a summer-long fight to capture the nomination,” Sean writes. He then quotes Hillary on a conference call to Montana reporters: “‘I think after the final primaries, people are going to start making up their minds. I think that is the natural progression that one would expect.’”

              To quote Mark Twain: “Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”

[ New York Journal, June 2, 1897 ]

                                                                                         Sunday, June 1, 2008

            The Democratic National Committee and the states of Michigan and Florida failed to agree on primary dates. Both states held their primaries early. This has pissed off the Committee, which is now threatening to disenfranchise the Michigan and Florida delegations: They’ll have no say at the August convention, their votes won’t count.

           The DNC is holding deliberations. Always ready to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, Hillary compares the elections in Michigan and Florida to Zimbabwe… as if the American people know anything about politics in Zimbabwe! Here we go again! Is Hills-and-Valleys Clinton fishing for the Zimbabwean vote?

           Raymond in Florida has emailed us a copy of the Tampa Tribune’s article of September 30th, 2007, “Obama Promises To Do Right.” It seems Obama signed an agreement that neither he nor Hills would campaign in Florida. After a fundraiser in Tampa, Obama promptly went across the street and gave an impromptu press conference, violating this written agreement! This is a constant problem with Barack Obama: He thinks the rules don’t apply to him.

          My supervisor Cathy asks me to follow up. When I get Raymond on the phone, he wants me to take a printout of the article to the DNC. “Think of what this will do for your career,” he insists. “A 20-minute taxi ride downtown to the hearings and yours will be the act that changes history!”

           Is the article true? Did the Obama and Hillary people sign the agreement before or after Obama’s Florida press conference? This is the problem with my job. Well-liked, but at the bottom of the pecking order, I remain amazingly uninformed. People call in and tell me things, but I never know what is fact, what is conjecture and what is wild fantasy.

           Thanking Raymond, I take the issue to Garrett on the Policy Desk. He reads the exposé and hears me out. “Even if we caught Obama with his pants down,” he smiles sadly, “the DNC won’t even let you in the door of the committee room! You have no standing. What voting district does Kevin Feingold represent?!”                                                                       

                                                                                          Friday, June 6, 2008

            So here they are on the front page of The Washington Post in a huge color photo: Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, Obama and Virginia Senator Jim Webb, smiling from ear to ear, standing side by side. Gripping each other’s hands, holding aloft their arms in victory, they are awash in a sea of ocean blue placards that state: “Change We Can Believe In.”

                      “From Across Region, 10,000 Rally for Obama”

reads the headline. Hmmm, what’s wrong with this picture? Firstly, who announced the rally? I was pretty busy on Thursday, but I never heard duckshit. Probably “as advertised on the Obama website…” It’s impressive what the Obamaniacs can do with telepathy! Why didn’t The Washington Post advertise it? Not a word did they print. Maybe I would have attended.

           Full disclosure: I DON’T LIKE OBAMA!

                                                                                          Saturday, June 7, 2008

            The Washington Post’s attitude seems to be, “Why did they hold primaries in South Dakota and Montana, why have super delegates committed to a candidate, when it would be so much easier, cheaper and less complicated to have the nominee selected and announced by… The Washington Post!”

            What’s The Post going to announce next, the end of the war in Afghanistan?

            St. Louis, Missouri: “I am trying to buy a Hillary for President yard sign online, on your website. Every time I put in my credit card information, I get an ‘error’ message.”

            “That, my friend, has been happening all morning. There is something wrong with our server. My supervisor tells me that our IT people are handling it and to please be patient. Can you try again tomorrow?”                                                         

          The phones are ringing off the hook. My supervisor Cathy comes in wearing her Hillary designer T-shirt and explains to me that what I’m reading in the newspapers isn’t propaganda, it’s advocacy journalism.

         “We think the press has been calling in to get us to say something outrageous, so please don’t make any out there comments. We’re trying to stay on message.”

         Half my job is data entry. My old buddy Foluka calls from NYC. This is one hot South African lady. She calls at least once a week. The Jo’burg accent is unmistakable. She dishes me some dirt. I enter it on my desktop. I read it back to her: “Michele Obama is on YouTube conducting an anti-white tirade, right?”

           Foluka gives me two more items.

          “You’re my eyes and ears in New York!” I thank her.

           A minute later, while I’m correcting my typos, Cathy comes up and says, “That’s exactly the kind of incendiary comment we don’t want to make. No outrageous remarks!”

             I explain that I was repeating the caller’s comments to confirm that I heard correctly.

            Cathy apologizes. “I’m exhausted,” she sighs. “If I get confused, humor me.”

            Eventually, Cathy’s boss comes into the Call Center and suggests I join the rest of the staff in the main room to watch Hillary’s concession speech on widescreen TV. 

            “What about the phones?”

            “They can ring for awhile,” he smiles resignedly.

            I sit on a swivel chair by one of the desks, eating a sandwich. I view her speech with critical detachment: “Not good enough to win an Oscar, but certainly good enough to get an Oscar nomination.” Whenever Hillary gets to an applause line, the room erupts in wild clapping. I love the dude who is going “Woof woof woof! “ like at a football game. The next time Hillary comes to a pause and we start clapping, I do a “Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman,” making a circular motion with my hand and going “Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!” 

            It’s only when he gets excited and starts running about the room that I discover my partner in crime is a brown and white Jack Russell terrier.


President Whosis, Pt. 2


[ Note: Thanks for all the great feedback!!! I reformatted my file and published as an ebook on!!! A  little glitchy, it is out there, but awaits their review process. They have a backlog and need two weeks.  – Kevin ]

President Whosis: Gaga 4 Obama?

                       Political Satire by Kevin Feingold 

                                          Part Two

                                              A + +

                                        Salami is Dead

                                        Hoopla Hoops

                                  American Default Blues

                                    Building A Nation

                         Michele Bachmann Does Reagan



                      From the desk of Blackie Diamond 

Memoir                                 A + +

            People be idiots! Americans have a food fight over my birth certificate— I was born in a hot air balloon over New Mexico— but they completely miss the boat regarding Tamara. She my KGB lover. Or the fact that we got a capuchin monkey living in the family quarters of the White House. The American people know I smoke cigarettes, but they remain mercifully oblivious to my other addictions: popcorn, porno films and my foot fetish.

              America, where you at?

             When I met Tamara at Accidental College, she was already KGB. Accidental is the two-year junior college in Queens that grinds along on a yearly endowment from Accidental Life. Y’know, the ones with the blimp. Again, really, hell-o! Accidental Life shows great skill at collecting premiums, but should you— God forbid!— ever suffer a catastrophe, just try to get a penny out of Accidental Life. Never happen.

            It’s called capitalism. You saves up for a rainy day, and when the flood come, the bank done gone out of business! That why we got the FDIC, to ensure that you gets your money. DON’T SAY YOU WANT LESS GOVERNMENT, people! What you wants is justice!

            Needing Tamara around on a daily basis— for both consensual sex and hormone injections— I had her assigned to Dr. Tesler, the White House physician, as his nurse. Calm down! Tamara is a registered nurse. The KGB made sure she had some profession, besides being a spy.

            Why I require hormone treatments? I was too much of a swordsman in my youth. Done too many drugs. By the time I became a senator, I had shot my wad. I got to Wash, DC, I would visit Tamara at the beauty salon downtown where she worked. Olden days, the procedure was exceedingly primitive: She took me into the back room and shot my scrotum full of Spanish fly. Smugglers brought the stuff up from Mexico. Thanks to advances in the pharmaceutical industry— which now owns half of Congress— I currently receive both testosterone and steroids. Yeah, I knows the testosterone can lead to prostate cancer, but which you want, impotency or the Big C? Yes, Viagra will take me there, but what happen when I arrives? Nothin’! No arrows in my quiver, Katniss! I see it as a quality of life thing: I can live longer, but is the life worth livin’?

            The deal I made with the SVR (Sluzhba Vnezhney Razvedki), the Russkie foreign intelligence service— the inheritors of the KGB— is that Tamara won’t scatter eavesdropping bugs around the White House. If she do that, I lose my nurse. Instead, within reason, I provide the Russians with blow by blow updates of what’s happening in the White House. Our White House. They have a “White House” too, their Hall of Deputies, built by an Italian contractor and shelled during the upheaval against Boris Yeltsin in 1993. The current Russian premier isn’t entirely happy over our arrangement, but he’s not unhappy either. He’s like me. In modern life, everything remains ambiguous, a matter of nuance rather than hard and fast principle. Nothing is black and white. Like me, neither one nor the other.

            Computers demand a “yes” or “no” answer. The premier and I prefer to remain flexible. That way I can change the rules at my leisure. I’M THE DUDE WHO CLAIMS HE’S ABOVE PARTISAN POLITICS AND THEN GOES OUT ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL AND LAMBASTS HIS OPPONENTS MERCILESSLY.

            As my Scottish forebears used to say: “Nemo me impune lacessit.“ No one attacks me with impunity.

            I be a man of peace who wield a battle ax.

            That’s called flexibility.

            They teach you that in Singapore: The palm tree must bend to the typhoon. Otherwise, it gets uprooted.

            REELECT ME! I don’t want to get uprooted.


            The biggest pain in my backside be my contact at the Russian Embassy. Boris Slivovich, he is totally 1970’s, a drunk. Every G-8 and G-12 Summit, I ask the premier, “Hey, Vlad, when you gonna replace Slivovich?” And every summit, Vlad blows me off.

            Although the American people don’t know that Tamara Bukarova crawl all over me like I be a jungle gym, I am sure people would be grateful if they knew. Thanks to her, I ain’t getting involved with no intern!!! After what happened with Monica Lewinsky, no prez gonna let that happen.

            I got two daughters of my own.

           With a budget deficit of $15 trillion, you would think that wages to hire a few competent interns wouldn’t send Congress into the stratosphere. But it do. So we in the W.H. continue to rely on volunteers.

            An entire crew— all ages— opens letters addressed to the president, the first lady, the presidential daughters, even our bulldog Winston Churchill. 93% of them letters be critical of this administration. I ignores them letters, I cannot govern under a barrage of carping criticism. Silencio!

            Personally, I give this administration an A++ in governance. My opinion.

            Now, the letter staff, they be instructed to pass along only those letters containing positive suggestions, such as “Use an Eastern White Pine from Georgia for the next National Christmas Tree” or “Serve borscht at the White House when entertaining Russian guests.” That last one come from the Russian ambassador. Okay, Ivan, I can take a hint!

            Monica was the worst thing that could happen to the world of interns. Now, 99% of the applicants be pretty, young ladies with secret wet dreams of makin’ it bigtime with the presidential wiener. They rub up against the front of my pants whenever they deliver papers to the Oval Orifice. I give specific instructions, “They not supposed to be in here!” Wily little ladies— ewig weibliche, forever feminine— they either con the Secret Service dudes to let them make their delivery or, worse, they march in through the pantry. You come in through the pantry, only Ramirez, the Filipino steward, there to try to stop you. He can’t even keep Winston Churchill the bulldog from invading my office!

            “Hi-i-i-i, Mr. President,” these young interns, lookin’ about 16, sing. They  take mincing little steps across the carpet, waving their papers at me.

            “I on the phone!” I explain, sitting behind my desk, receiver pressed to my ear.

            “Oh, okay, here!” they say, dropping the paper(s) on my desk and climbing into daddy’s lap to suck my fingers and massage my peter with their tight little behinds. Ouch! ‘Course I get a hard-on! Who wouldn’t?

            “NO MORE INTERNS IN MY OFFICE!” I tell Axl, my Chief of Staff.

            “Right, boss,” he say, the ninny. I know, tomorrow, still another one of these princesses is gonna make a play for my cock. I don’t see, under the list of presidential duties, “Satisfying the sexual proclivities of promiscuous female interns.” Good God, y’all!

            I solve the problem! My Chief of Staff was on my case about Malcolm Tinker, my body double, being under-employed. “He’s bored,” Axl complained, “so he interrupts everyone else’s workday to shoot the breeze.”

            I got a brainstorm: When not representing me at motorcades and televised public events like ballgames, I got Malcolm spending his days frolicking in the Rose Garden with the young, female interns. ¡Avante!Mission accomplished.

            When the wife and I resided in Denver, next door lived Bob and Marcy Sandcastle. Bob was okay, but Marcy was one neurotic woman. They being white, she weren’t too happy having “Soweto people”— as she called us— right next door. Marcy have two daughters, Pam and Diggie. I never did find out Diggie’s real name. The girls grows up an’ goes off to college. Come the summer, one night I rollin’ the garbage receptacle out to the curb for morning pickup. Who standin’ on the sidewalk sneakin’ a cigarette but Pam. She as neurotic as her mama, this the entire neighborhood know. I seen her sittin’ in a car next to her beefy all-American boyfriend. Girl beautiful as a fashion model, thin figure, long red hair, gorgeous face, glamorous complexion. All she do is sulk. She sit in the car sulking. She neurotic, she sulk.

            “Hi-i-i-i, Uncle Blackie,” she say this night, drawing out the words like slow molasses, that flaming red hair flowing about her head. Shee-it. What she comin’ on to me for?

            “Yeah, hello to you!” I woof and hightail back inside my house.

            My point being, I do know what I’m doin’. Experto credite, believe one who has had experience. Trust me on this one!

             They call my administration “the perpetual campaign.” As if I give a hoot what the pundits call it! Listen, my daddy taught me to wave my arms and modulate my voice. I do the old hoodoo on folks. Americans, with their emphasis on youth, are emotional in ways that the jaundiced, cynical Europeans no longer experience. Paul had his epiphany on the road to Damascus, founded a religion, and wrote to the people of Corinth. I spent a lifetime getting ready for this, my moment. I practiced my con in college and later in the ‘hood. Nobody can teach me nothin’. I arrived. I’m teachin’ them a pointer or two. A-holes! Kiss my butt! Y’all watch me now!


              When I ran for senator, one of the first things I learned was that you don’t need to take campaign contributions. Your own money will suffice. For example, Thadeus Williams of the paper industry lobby wanted to be sure of my support regarding paper mills. Open pit coal mining, paper mills, fracturing for natural gas, and running atomic reactors all produce a total pollution of the environment. I call it “the dead fish syndrome.” Anything that kills fish, that is pollution. Instead of a campaign contribution, Thadeus purchased my car for $100,000.

            Unfortunately, Thadeus ended up in jail on a RICO statute. Something is wrong with this nation when a man can’t even enjoy his ill-gotten gains! My opinion.

            That incident in Denver where somebody make off with $10,000 in cash from the campaign office safe and the election authorities come ‘round to ask me what I knows? I don’t knows dick! I gets home after a hard day at the campaign office and my wife, she say, “Mix yourself a drink, honeybear, and come give yo’ wife a hug!” I do that little thing. Surprise! I finds the moneys stuck in my wife’s bra! 

            I run for president. We wins the election and arrives inna White House and it look just like in the movies! I gets led into the Oval Ovary to see the then-sitting prez, Mr. Peter “Pretzel” Brush. While he briefed me on the world situation, I’m diggin’ the gold carpet with the presidential seal! Just getting into the whole nine yards of it. Yowzah!

            Le roi est mort, vive moi. The king is dead, long live me!

            “Daddy! Daddy!” the girls are callin’. My wife and kids are checkin’ out the living quarters: the indoor pool, the sauna, the tanning salon… Yeah, right! Like coffee-colored peoples need a tanning salon! Shee-it.


            Y’all think this a campaign biography, you wrong! I just tryin’ to tell my side of the story. My opponent, Mick Rodney, may be a fool— criticizing the British at the London Olympics, when a bromide or two would have done the job— but I got the entire Republican Party arrayed agin me. I gonna need yo’ help t’make this presidential election a success. And I don’t mean in voter turnout. I mean in votes cast— FOR ME!!! Ask my wife, even she campaigning on my behalf. That’s desperation!

            I a nice person.

            I be smarter than everyone else.

            My life a compelling personal narrative.

            I a great leader.

            My wife be prettier than your’n.

            Bet you can’t name three people who lost their jobs!

            Looking back at the last three and a half years, there be nothing I would do over.

            America IS exceptional, just look at me!

            I a b-boy! I be America’s first breakdancing president! Watch my moves.

            I went to private school an’ learn Latin.

            I am my own ultimate weapon.

            What’s not to reelect?


            Just recently, as I said in a speech— and bragged about on my weekly video address— I played my 100th round of golf as president! Something of a duffer, I’m out there hacking away, I can assure you. Still, the 7th is such a short hole, 173 yards, the green bracketed by bunkers, I decide to use a 5-iron off the tee. I still reach the green in one. Man, I love that par-3 seventh! I got a six handicap, but come on, I be president. I can’t play often enough to get good.

            My caddy is a pale little wallflower named Jerry Kowalski. The good news be, he fully— but fully— vetted by the FBI. This dude vanilla, through and through. The three things he does well are (1) carry my bag, (2) suggest which club to use and (3) interpret the green. Some of the greens at Congressional are tricky, tha’s all I’m sayin’.

            Then one afternoon, he follow me behind the clubhouse. I think I’m walkin’ to the armored SUV. “Whassup, Jerry?” I ask. Next thing I know, the man’s kissing me, his tongue in my mouth! Where’d that come from? I tell the two Secret Service guys to station themselves around each corner of the building, facing outward. “I’m in conference with my caddy. You see anybody comin’, you give a holler!”

            “Okay, Chief!” they tell me.

            “Jerry, whassa matter wid you?”

            “I love you, Mr. President,” he stammers. “I’ve always loved you, sir!’

            I knows where he coming from. Hearing the national anthem or “Hail to the Chief” pushes the hot button in all of us, the hot button that tells us, “Respect and love the president.” Half the country loves and adulates the prez in any election cycle. It’s enough he be a Democrat or a Republican, he has the adulation of his party.

            “When I walk behind you,” Jerry explains, “watching your muscular ass through the tight tan fabric of your golf slacks— “

            “I got it! You love me!” I tell him.

            “When I see the bulge of your package as you’re about to putt— “

            “Jerry, I got it! ‘Kiss my balls, make my putz go straight.’ It’s an old joke.”

            “Can’t we grab this moment of pleasure for ourselves?” he asks, exhaling in a rush.

            Now, good caddies are hard to find. Good caddies who, additionally, have been vetted and cleared by the FBI are even rarer. I nod my head.

            As his trembling fingers fumble open my zipper and he eagerly coaxes me into an erection, a single glance at his pale, panting face assures me that Jerry the Caddy is more afraid of me and the Secret Service than he is of CBS News. As he and I watch my seed spurting across the grass, I feel a kinship with this most trusted of servants.

            “I want you to come and dine with my family and me in the East Wing of the White House,” I tell him as he tucks me in and zips me up. “We won’t mention this, uh, episode, of course, but you’ll like my daughters. They’re a lot of fun to talk to.”

            “Oh, yes. Please,” Jerry gushes, blushing scarlet.

            He is mine!

            See, I try to do something nice! And what happens? My press secretary, Artie Lengl, gets tipped off by the FBI that Jerry Kowalski, a k a Jerry the Caddy, is in a reality TV series. “Starring” isn’t the right word, but he’s participating. A TV crew be dogging his every step. I get word that they are filming him getting hisself a manicure at a beauty parlor, prior to joining me and my family at the White House fo’ din-din. “Show us your invite,” the host o’ the show says. Jerry bats his little eyelashes and replies, “I don’t have one. I was invited by the president himself.” Ass-hole!

            Reality TV is no friend of this administration. Barfek and Ukulele Salami crashed a state dinner and we never heard the end of it. It was a dark, blustery evening and we were made to look like fools! Congress, the public and the press howled for blood! I had to dismiss a perfectly good appointments secretary to appease the angry mob. So when I hear about this latest gaffe, I telephone a man regarding a dead skunk. “Nema problema,” he assures me.

            They are still filming when Jerry takes the escalator down into the Dupont Circle Metro. This I do not like. Everyone knows what a Dupont Circle address signify: You gay! And damn if that escalator don’t lose its grip, go wild, and deposit Jerry Kowalski on the flagstone floor of the Metro, at the feet of his camera crew. He buried under a humongous number of ABW ’s, Angry Black Women. “Svelte” is not a word applicable to this lot. The paramedics pry Jerry loose, but in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, that boy die. 

            Further details are protected by executive privilege.

            You mess with The Man…


            Now let me just take this opportunity to explain about the contretemps with the British Embassy regarding the bust of Winston Churchill. They claim we got all arrogant and returned the bust. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although we may have— inadvertently, you know— returned a bust.

            As Copernicus can tell you, America is the center of the known universe.

            Arrogant, we ain’t. We love Winston Churchill so much, we named our bulldog after him! The bust— a bust— of Winston Churchill stands majestically outside the Treaty Room in the East Wing of the White House! Whether that’s the bust given, on loan, from the Brit Embassy to my predecessor, Peter “Pretzel” Brush, I cannot say. I never looked that close. Could be… either/or… We got a bust, I’m told, which the White House received during the Kennedy administration. Which be which? How should I know?!

             So how ‘bout you Brits stop ragging our asses ‘bout the “special relationship” between our two countries? We won’t speak of your total loss of empire if you don’t speak of our total sense of entitlement.

              It’s a deal!


             You know this “take me to your leader” b.s.? When they told me I’d be dealing with aliens, I thought they meant illegals from Mexico. Instead, I’m meeting green spacemen. We didn’t rendez-vous in any place called “Area 51.”

              I met them at an ordinary Air Force base, but yeah, it is a space port. These outer space dudes are from Nads, a planet orbiting Gliese 581. What d’ya know, they do all the stuff Hollywood predicted they would: They ain’t little, but they green and slimy. They send small spaceships— probes— flying around on our planet. They make contact with planetary leaders. Hell, they even make contact with me! Using one of the underground tunnels, we spirit some of them into the White House. I gives ‘em a tour! Next thing I know, there be an incident!

             “My God, you fuckers, what have you done to Tamara?!” I croak.

             “We have sucked out her brain matter and replaced it with a trained invertebrate from the planet Isodar.”

             “Why the hell did you do that?!”

             They show me. At a single command, the “new” Tamara peels off her clothes, approaches me, undoes my pants and pulls down my undies. On her knees, she envelopes my erection with such alacrity and in such a business-like fashion, her behavior speaks volumes about the efficacy of robotics.

             “We want someone who will obey our commands,” explain the Nadsies.

            “Why battle free will when replacement surgery is available?”

            They are also considering taking over the real estate. “Shee-it,” I tell them, “long as my fambly and I gets a large plastic dome we can live under, you welcome to annihilate everybody else.” Ha ha ha!

            Reverse psychology, people! My response is so far outside the box, the Nadsies decide not to attack Earth until they figure out what cock and bull story I sellin’. I done that! Me, Blackie Diamond. I single-handedly thwarted an invasion from outer space! Put that in your hash pipe and smoke it!

            The Nadsies set up a colony in Nevada. I figures the Air Force’s Big Safari office— who devise, develop and field combat equipment— can maybe help me find a way to chase the Nadsies off our planet. Shee-it, the brass be askin’ the NSA: Who are these Nadsies? What’s their capability? How many are they? What do they look like? And so forth. I explain that I don’ need an entire screenplay or even a six-page spread in National Geographic. I lookin’ fo’ the equivalent of bug spray.

            They send over a couple of chemical compounds that maybe do the trick. “For use against nitrogen-based life forms.” “For use against silicon-based life forms.” In one-quart plastic spray bottles. “Do not inhale. Dangerous if swallowed. In case of contact with skin, flush surface thoroughly and notify a physician.”

            By the time we ready to spray it on the Nadsies, they already left for Gliese 581.


            While we’re on the subject of cleaning house, I had to replace the Secretary of the Treasury I inherited from my predecessor. Herman the German. He wore those ties—the color of orange, lemon or lemon-lime sorbet. The sight of which made people physically nauseous. Herman completely misunderstood the diff between eye-catching and irritating. His monetary policy wasn’t much better. Mr. Cheap Money, the printing presses never seemed to stop at the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. The low interest rate enticed people to borrow and use that money to speculate on the housing and stock markets. Even a small profit offset the little that folks were paying in interest on their loans.

            Cheap money and high volume created the semblance of “growth,” but it was a bubble, artificially maintained by the U.S. Government. God almighty, even Louie the Friendly Local Loan Shark knows enough to take out the vigorish before the principal. Seemingly, an unknown concept in parts of the federal government.

            The Justice Department got Herman for insider trading. He’s serving two to six.


            Nothin’ pleases me mo’ than a good-lookin’ woman, an’ some of the women over at Justice be stunnin’. That don’t mean I wanna go to jail!

            One of the things I discovered I could do to spend mo’ time with womens in the federal government was to send my wife and kids on missions abroad. My daughters Masha and Natasha be in school here in Washington— a honking rich private schule. But every summer, I sends the three of them off as goodwill ambassadors. I let Mama Bear and her cubs tour the world, telling “Yo mama” jokes. I stays inna W. House and entertains grown visitors from every corner of the federal bureaucracy, be they blondes, brunettes, raven-haired or redheads. The post-partisan presidency, I likes ‘em all, regardless of political or religious affiliation. Not since the days of Andrew Johnson has a prez thrown open the windows of the White House and invited his fellow Americans t’ join in the celebration. Of freedom.

            That Jacuzzi off the presidential bedroom heat up real fine. Them ladies be sweet, keeping me abreast (I like breasts) of the latest developments in finance, agriculture, law enforcement, rocket propulsion, space travel, environmental protection and foreign policy.

            I no wonk, although I am known to stay up late, burning the midnight oil.

            Some fine wine, a couple o’ good joints and a sweet-skinned female companion set me right up fo’ the night. ‘Nuff said.


                                                                                         May 2, 2011

                           The National Herald

                  NO MORE KISS KISS BANG BANG

                            SALAMI BIN LAHTIS

             Correspondent Mitch Daniels reports

            WASHINGTON, D.C.  “Like flossing your teeth, eventually that nasty food particle will get dislodged,” a military source tonight likened the demise of America’s arch enemy Salami bin Lahtis.

            “We wanted him, we got him,” said another official familiar with the operation.

            Not only was bin Lahtis killed by U.S. Special Forces on the ground in Pakistan, his dead body was recovered, dispelling any question of his having survived this most recent attack. After ten years of persistent pursuit, America’s efforts have borne fruit.

            Sundays are traditionally a slow news day, which made our ears perk up when we heard that the President would be making a statement from the East Room of the White House sometime after 9 p.m. EST. Still, it was almost midnight before the President addressed the nation in a serious, nationally televised nine minute speech. He said U.S. Forces killed bin Lahtis in the Abbottabad Valley of Pakistan and “took custody of his body.” The city of Abbottabad lies about 100 miles north of Islamabad in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A city of 100,000, it is the headquarters of a brigade from the Pakistani Army’s 2nd Division.

            Within an hour of the President’s speech, a spontaneous, enthusiastic demonstration of mostly young people in jeans, sweaters and sweatshirts lined the north fence surrounding the White House, cheering and waving American flags. Among them stood Amal Habeeb, waving a Palestinian flag.

            “This is a great moment for democracy and peace,” Amal proclaimed. “Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu, Baha’i or Jain, all of us have reason to celebrate the victory of democracy over violent extremism. May today hasten regime change in the Arab world as well!”

            Perky and young, Ms. Habeeb seemed a personification of the sentiment permeating tonight’s triumphant vigil.

            Standing next to her, Orlov Kosygin declared this a great victory for the working class. “Workers of the world, unite!” said Orlov. “All you have to lose are your chains!”

            Stephen Harrington, visiting from Bristol in the U.K., expressed chagrin. “If only Prince Harry had led the charge, you see,” insisted Stephen. “What a gloriously great day for England that would have been. Rather!”

            Dos Lance kept trying to unfurl a Confederate flag, but his friends seemed determined he should keep it furled. “The South has a long and glorious military tradition,” he exclaimed. “That’s my only point in coming here tonight.” The blonde next to him, sporting a button that said “Pretty Girls For Blackie,” assured me that Dos was only carried away by the excitement of the moment. “He’s really not a racist,” she insisted earnestly. Looking at me longingly, she added, “I’m also available in orange flavor.” I think it was my press pass.

            Battling through the tightly packed crowd, I stumbled upon a goateed college person named Monty Pellier, wearing an Uncle Sam costume. “I’m Canadian, I have to emphasize my patriotism,” he said, “otherwise you might revoke my visa.” When I protested, he told me that he was joking. Regarding bin Lahtis, Mr. Pellier said: “I thought, like the Unabomber, Salami would be hiding in the hills, but apparently he preferred the suburbs. I’m from Calgary. You drive two miles, you are outside of town.”

            Monty claimed he was glad Salami was dead. “What did he ever do for Canada? Nothing!”

            At one in the morning on a balmy May 2, a veritable kaleidoscope of opinions greets the defeat of America’s most intractable enemy. May he rot in Hell.


                                         Family Dust-up 

            The Secret Service incarcerated Mrs. Betty Blatty, the president’s first cousin, at Shield of Armor Field, the new baseball diamond, tennis and basketball courts adjacent to National Harbor in Anacostia. Mrs. Blatty and the president had an altercation during a pickup game under the lights on the facility’s b-ball court. Mrs. Blatty is alleged to have elbowed President Diamond in the side and then kneed him in the groin.

            Mrs. Blatty is currently being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, pending a fuller investigation. The president’s press secretary, M. D. Rogers, has announced that the White House does not intend to press charges. (AP)

                                 Maddie’s 4 Thoughts 4 the Day

  • April Showers bring May flowers.
  • A truly considerate guest doesn’t just drop in, they wait for an invitation.
  • When hosting a state dinner for the Bangladeshi Prime Minister, triple security.
  • Living in the White House makes me proud to be an American!

                                       Major Media Blitz 

             The Republican National Committee has announced a “major media blitz” during the upcoming presidential election year. “The lamebrain mainstream media is so obviously in the tank for Blackie Diamond, we are determined to use other channels to reach the electorate,” according to Committee Chairman Mason Dixon. “Goebbels got it right! See you in La-La Land.” (AP)


                            From the desk of Blackie Diamond

                                         Hoopla Hoops


                                   Dreamin’ the Dream

                                    by Blackie Diamond 

            As a black man, I look at myself in the mirror most mornings and ask, “Who dat good-lookin’ son of a bitch?” At 6’ 6” tall, I know that I am truly blessed.

             When I was younger and first introduced to Anthropology (“I’d like to get her phone number!”), I realized that, “Hey, I have what it takes to become a leader of men. A tribal leader. I am very tall.” Moamar Gaddafi, Salami bin Lahtis and Sonny Beech, the previous Democratic president, all have one thing in common with me: We stand head and shoulders above our peers.

             My wife Maddie and I make you people appear vertically challenged! How ya doin’, shorty?

            Naw, I’m just funnin’ ya!

            Ha, ha.

            You have no idea how superior I feel to all you little people. It’s like ruling over a nation of pygmies.

            And I let nothing dissuade me from my appointment with destiny.

            But enough about me.

            Y’all might ask, “How did Rufus Aloyseus Johnson become Blackie Rufus Diamond?” Unsatisfied with the name God gave me— and all too aware of the life of Job— I took the bull by the horns and did a “Hollywood Gary Hart.” I GOT MY NAME LEGALLY CHANGED AND I AIN’T ASHAMED TO SAY SO!


            You got crooked teeth, you gonna wear braces. You cross-eyed, you gonna get your eyes fixed. Same difference. Maybe “R. A. Johnson” a good name for a preacher— no offense to those of you who be religious— but from the age of six, I was aiming for a life in the spotlight of the political arena. The richest peoples in my ‘hood were city aldermen and the like. “Someday, that gonna be me!” I told my mama.

            “Go wash up fo’ dinner,” she say.

            I gonna conquer the world, I knew I needed the right clothes, the right Afro and, God help me, the right name! I reach legal age, I humbles myself before a judge— he be a friend of Alderman Crips, my mentor. “Why are you not satisfied with things the way they are?” ask Judge Tobias, all judgmental and so.

           “I gots me an i-den-ti-ty crisis,” I stammerin’.

           “You ruin your good name dealing drugs, partying and what-have-you?” ask the judge.


            He take pity on me and let me change who I be.

            I consider myself an Olympic gold medalist in the event Being Blackie Diamond. No one in the world do it better than me! I recreate myself from day to day. 

            Once I got the handle taken care of, I could find out who be the owner. My voyage of self-discovery takes place through the lens of racial inequality.

            It is true that as a child of Denver, Colorado, I went to Fernwillow Mountain High School, a private school, on a full minority scholarship. That’s one of those scholarships that not only pays for tuition, books and school uniforms for weekdays and holidays, it also covers sports clothes, pocket money, gas money, the car and driver. Despite my protestations, Fernwillow insisted on providing me with a white chauffeur, just another example of racial injustice, my brothers and sisters!

            I have swallowed the bitter juice of inequality and spit out the seeds! (It might have been watermelon.) Take, for example, basketball. Shooting hoops. As I told my buddy Payback when I bumped into him in New York City in 2001, “Coach Malarkey was a Good Old Southern Boy racist pig. True, if I ever sank a jump shot, the team declared a national holiday, but Malarkey still should have put me in the starting line-up.”

            Payback, who was cadging alms from passers-by (“panhandling” our parents called it) on West 42nd Street, pointed out that the coach came from Boston, but otherwise he agreed with my assessment. Payback also hit me up for a tenner. “I ain’t had no coffee, I ain’t had nothin’ t’ eat, I ain’t been to mah crib all mornin’,” he explained. “A brother gotta eat, y’know!”

            Good old Payback!

            I know where he coming from! As a member of a disadvantaged minority, I too have suffered! At Harvard, surrounded by preppies like myself— except that they was white— as the first black editor of The Harvard Lampoon, I experienced the sting of racial profiling! Not a full-fledged burn, mind you, more like the acrid caress of jellyfish tentacles. (Summering in Hawaii, my family and I are familiar with such things.) You pour on the ammonia and the bath salts, but it still hurt!

            That’s why I became a revolutionary Marxist and male stripper in Los Angeles, California. With my antecedents, what else could I possibly do?

            Long live Angela Davis!

            Who say I ain’t black enough? I got street cred! I can sing Smokey Robinson. I do a mean rendition of Otis Redding’s “Sittin’ On the Dock of the Bay”!

            Long live the proletariat!

            Within the confines of the Constitution, of course. This is a country of law, after all. As a law student, you learn that the law is infinitely flexible. Like Silly Putty, it is whatever you say it is, as you shape it into a variety of permutations.

            When I tired of stripping, I became a community organizer in New York City for the Amway Corporation.

            In an effort to find my identity as a black man, I follow in the footsteps of Dr. King, frequenting a spa and clothes shopping exclusively at Nordstroms. I find they have high quality merch.

                       Recipe for Disaster

120 tears of a clown                         four fresh eggs                                 

14 oz. flour                                         2 oz. milk

10 oz. pot                                           one large bag potato chips

4 oz. water                                         one uptown friend

     salt                                                 margarine

             Beat eggs and uptown friend until he reminds you that the two of you chased the ladies at Maxwell’s Plum. Add milk, water, clown tears. Sift in flour. Whip to batter. Melt margarine in fry pan. Fry pancakes. Salt to taste.

            Smoke pot. Get “the munchies.” Eat pancakes and potato chips. Get in fight with uptown friend. Wake up that evening with splitting headache. Curse exploitative criminal Jew businessmen polluting environment. Hate NYC. Send friend packing. Call ex-girlfriend. Get chewed out over phone. Go chase the ladies at downtown club. Get STD.

           How To Become A Community Organizer

            Talk your way into a good gig ringing doorbells and glad-handing people for your candidate or organization. Express sympathy for the plight of others. Be very tall and sincere. Focus totally on self, but ask one serious question of each person you address. Stand endlessly, a concerned expression on your face, listening to their horse-twaddle. Write book portraying yourself as the victim of racism. Make friends with Oprah or at least join her book club. Run for Congress. Promise change. Become president.


            Live the American dream.

            NOTE: When I saw that the founders of Amway was making all the cash moneys, I decided to get a gig like that for “Elvis.” Me! So I ran for Congress.

             The rest be history!


                                                                                           August 13, 2011

                                  American Default Blues

Jules Boolkin, TV Network News: “Good evening! As millions of you saw last night, we sent news teams all across the country interviewing ordinary Americans regarding their views on the solution to the debt crisis in Washington. Ordinary Americans just like you!

            “What you may not know, is the acrid condemnation Corporate has received for what critics and the public agree, for once, was ‘boring’ television.

            “’If I want to hear the opinions of my neighbors,’ wrote a typical viewer, ‘I don’t need to turn on my television.’

            “So, to beef up our story— and hopefully re-attract our demographic— we’ve returned to this issue. Tonight: Previously Unheard Voices On the Debt Crisis.

            “We first take you to Flatland, Indiana, where billionaire maize farmer, entrepreneur and inventor Silas Worthington is seen climbing aboard his corporate jet.”

            Worthington: “I didn’t make the hole in the rowboat, why should I have to help bail?!”

            Boolkin: “We now interrupt a hold-up on Third Avenue in New York City to ask stickup artist and anonymous robber ‘R’ what he thinks.”

            ‘R’: “Karl Marx prophesied the demise and ultimate fall of capitalism as an integral step in the formation of a communist society. We are currently in the second painful phase of that transition, the economic collapse of the West.”

            Boolkin: “In that same city, pole dancer Trixie LaBoom had this to add…”

            LaBoom: “I’m not saying there will be, but if there’s a backlash to the curtailment of entitlements amidst the general public, the Teepee Party may well rue the day they made their demands.”

            Boolkin: “This homeless person standing on a street corner in New York City is Rashid Corning. You don’t have Smellovision in your homes, but take my word for it, Mr. Corning smells pretty ripe.”

            Corning: “The market’s crashing! No, it’s rallied! The Market’s crashing! No, it’s rallied! The market’s crashing! No, it’s rallied! The Market’s—“

            Newsman (off-camera): “Any other thoughts?”

            Corning: “Oh, wait! Stocks have taken a nosedive! No, the Market’s recovered! Stocks have taken a nosedive! No, the Market’s recovered! Stocks have taken a nosedive—“

            Newsman (off-camera): “He sounds like a TV set…”

            Boolkin: “Meanwhile, on Castro Street in San Francisco, gay rights activist Monty Pelham gave us his commentary.”

            Pelham: “Times are hard for the Movement. Castro Street has definitely been left behind. Wall Street flourishes, the rest of us are dumb [bleep].

I, personally, think House Majority Leader Mark Goldstein is a lovely, lovely man. I would be happy to speed date him in a Bachelorette-type setting. I’m in the phonebook. Or google me online at Pelham dot Monty.”

            Boolkin: “Finally, back in Washington, on Euclid Street, in the downtown area— about as far from Capitol Hill as you can get and still remain on the same planet— we asked the Reverend Jasper C. Pettiwhistle for these comments.”

            Pettiwhistle: “A darkness rises upon the waters, Oh brothers and sisters! And the Righteous shall strike down the Iniquitous, like the scorpion riding aback the turtle. As we together sink into the mire of everlasting damnation, Brother Blackie will give us all another speech tellin’ us we got to be prepared to make ever-greater sacrifices.

            “He got his cash moneys! He fat.

            “He know where he can stick that one!”

            Boolkin: “That’s our economic recovery report for tonight, featuring public reaction to Congress and the Administration’s debt ceiling legislation, and the resulting economic downgrading of America by the Standard & Poor’s rating agency.

            “We’ll be back, after this…”


                        From the desk of Blackie Diamond 

Speech                                Building A Nation       

             “Good morning, ladies and gentleman of the U.S. Naval Academy. Allow me to thank you midshipmen for that hearty greeting! Annapolis has never looked more beautiful. You mustn’t smoke, but feel free to drink coffee.

             “It is popular today to question why American troops are in Bazookastan. I will tell you why. It’s because we sent them there. Yes, that is correct, most American troops are over there on America’s dime. Although I can imagine American contractors going to Bazookastan, using their own money, to hire themselves out as mercenaries, I just don’t see that happening among the troops. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think I speak for the entire Command when I say we’re proud to have each and every one of you inside the tent pissing out, rather than outside the tent pissing in!

             “But enough about me. If we lose the next election, it will be because of hubris, so I try not to speak about myself.

             “I see those troops stationed in Bazookastan acting as antibodies in the body politic’s fight against the insidious infection of Islamo—oops! I almost said Islamofascism. What I meant was… our real enemy… Austrian free-market economic theory, which was later disproved at the University of Chicago! We can’t let that take over. It’s bad enough Bakul is losing real estate in both towns and provinces. Without the hearts and minds of the people, Bazookastan is a done deal. With everybody going off at a tangent, the country becomes totally unmanageable!

              “To use another analogy, those troops are the fuel additive added to the gasoline of American diplomacy to prevent engine knock in the Bazoo vehicle.

             “Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? Is victory attainable in Bazookastan? Let me rephrase that question: Nothing is ever 100%. That toy train you wanted as a child never went fast enough. That ice cream cone was never big enough. This is the human predicament. Nothing is ever going to be quite enough. We wouldn’t be human if it were otherwise!

             “Having said that, a limited war with limited goals will someday be followed by a limited peace with limited results. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING! As in strip poker, as long as a single shred of clothing remains on the body politic, America’s dignity remains intact!

             “Historians will look back on this time and think they have lost their place in the history book. NO, NO, NO, this is NOT Vietnam! We are not caught in a quagmire, fighting a local insurgency among the indigenous people of a region who insist on going their own way and fashioning lives in their own style, as profane and different as they may be from the American ideal. A thousand times NO! This is not happening.

             “What we have here, is a failure to communicate.

             “When we pump money into the local economy in these remote provinces, it totally disrupts the status quo.

             “When we send in aid workers, they are in need of military protection. Without it, they’re sitting ducks. We have learned from bitter experience that the military presence of our troops ALSO draws fire. It’s a no-win situation.

          “I am calling for the following remedies. The fertilizer factory in Pakistan providing most of the calcified ammonium nitrate used in roadside bombs is being bought out by an American conglomerate. They have promised to convert it to quaalude production. A clinical relaxant, quaaludes can be added to the water supply in Bazookastan’s most violent provinces. By local consent, of course. As a public service. If the Bazoos themselves want them.

            “The point is, those people need to decide for themselves regarding their future. We can build, but we can’t destroy. Or we mustn’t destroy, which really comes down to the same thing.

             “The election coming up in 2012, where the very existence of my administration will be called into question, in no way influences my policies,

             I can assure you. Fighting for our lives… well, it would be intolerable of me to lecture you about fighting for your life.

             “By a happy quirk, the Constitution makes the President also the Commander In Chief. You know, George Washington was a fantastic general, so the framers said, ‘He’s so good, why not let him wear two hats?’

            “I respect that.  I am the MFWIC, the ‘Mother-Fucker What’s In Charge.’ It didn’t turn out so well with a paranoid president like Richard Nixon, but generally, the system works. This gives me the prerogative to send in American fighting power whenever and wherever necessary. Nolens volens. Unwilling or willing. Willy-nilly. Any whichway. As a temporary measure, of course. Since Congress has the final authority over declaring— you know— war. It certainly was never a problem under Gerald Ford.

             “I like chili, but that doesn’t mean I would hesitate for a moment to use American power— sparingly, of course— if that country ever were threatened by a hostile, Hayek 1 capitalist take-over. I came to this epiphany while on the road to surfing. You have to use moderation in these things. Shock and awe, certainly, but then, get your butt outta there. [1 Freidrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom ]

             “Which is what we’re doing in Bazookastan. Slowly, methodically, hunkered down in a crouch, but with heads held high, so to speak. You get my drift. The Sturm und Drang of war. I don’t ever want to be accused of putting American soldiers in harm’s way. On the other hand, I can’t control what other people say! Folks say and do all kinds of crazy things! So, as an alternative, I simply won’t let their snide remarks bother me. Water off a duck’s back. Sticks and stones can break my bones. Yada, yada, yada. See ya later, alligator.

           Looking back, I want to be able to say “et in Arcadia ego.” I too lived in Arcadia. Nirvana-ville. Paradise. But we aren’t there yet! First we gotta get our asses out of Holeman province.

            “My opponents in the political field will make hay over the lack of progress in Bazookastan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and anywhere else they can find to nitpick. The American people are too smart to fall for their facile arguments and hopeless comparisons!

            “Hannibal crossed the Alps, but that doesn’t prevent us from making ski trips to Switzerland.

            “You don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.

            “Repealing ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ doesn’t signify that the cow jumped over the moon!

            “These greasers in Bazookastan are almost as medieval as the Republicans on Capitol Hill.

            “You plebes here at the Naval Academy know what it’s like to climb a greased pole. Bazookastan is one of the greasiest.

            “You remember when The Eagles sang ‘This could be heaven or this could be Hell’? 2 No worries! Bazookastan is one landlocked chunk of Hell!

             [ 2 The Eagles, Hotel California ]

            “God bless you and long live the United States of America!

           “Oh, and by the way: Go, Navy!

           “I’ll come down front so you can mob me for the photographers.”


                     From the desk of Kevin Feingold

Essay                  Bachmann Does Reagan

            Paul McCartney must be shaking his head, considering the kind of women empowered by that song of his! God help us, it’s Michele Bachmann!

            My best friend is a staunch Republican, singing the praises of Michele Bachmann. Since Michele is so often portrayed in the press as a nut job, my buddy felt that I ought to hear her for myself. I had no idea when I would have that opportunity.

            Thanks to David Gregory and Meet the Press, I have now heard, first-hand and unadulterated, Michele Bachmann.

            I have not been a party to this woman’s decisions leading up to her candidacy, so I can only try to second-guess the chain of events. I am left to judge the ripeness of the pear as it sits before me on the plate.

            Michele Bachmann appeals to a certain segment of the Republican electorate because she is not merely channeling Ronald Reagan, she is mimicking him. On TV, she trotted out all the same tropes: Government is the problem, not the solution. Don’t have government try to do tasks best left to private industry. The less government, the better. The Market is self-regulating. Everything goes to Hell when government intercedes in the affairs of the private sector. I, too, was once a Democrat, but I saw the light and became an arch conservative. The way you grow the economy is by putting a little extra money in people’s pockets, not by sending that money to Washington in the form of tax revenue. I have many friends among the Democrats and will be able to work with them on bipartisan agreements.

            Michele Bachmann is a rerun! Having seen and experienced the original, I am not impressed. Reaganomics injured America in ways so lasting, this country may never recover.

            Of course, when Ronald Reagan took over, America did not have trillions of dollars in debt. The ruptured economy makes a Michele Bachmann or a Newt Gingrich positively dangerous. This is not the time for rollback, this is the time for TVA-style Works Programs. We have roads, bridges and an electric grid that all need repair. We have out-of-work people who would gladly fill those jobs. Not everyone is prepared to raise a sweat, but there are enough hardworking folks out there to get some life back into the economy. Not at the top, trickling down, but squarely in the middle of the economy, where the largest segment of the population lives.

            “Mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery” and all that b.s., but I expected Michele Bachmann to at least come up with a schtick of her own. Ron Paul and Ross Perot have sculpted their own philosophies. Quoting Ronald Reagan verbatim does not make you a great political leader, Michele. Create something, don’t just parrot the single most popular leader in American history. Ronald Reagan did terrible things to this country, but—“The Great Communicator”— people still swoon at the mention of his name.

            I think Michele read a biography of Reagan and decided, “There’s a lot of mileage left in this old crate! People will vote for this.” It’s a cynical performance, even down to misquoting her opponents and making erroneous statements, just as dear old Ronnie, “The Gipper,” was prone to do.

            She, too, wants her place in history.

            Human kind being a flawed work at best (God goofed, but okay), I usually cut politicians some slack. Watching Michele Bachmann evade, ignore and talk over David Gregory’s more trenchant questions, I think Michele deserves whatever criticism she gets. Watch her performance online and decide for yourself.

            I don’t think the plight of people in the midwest— having to go a month without cable TV!— is such a major crime to lay at President Obama’s door. If he warned the country that Social Security checks might be delayed in August — causing people to cancel their cable service! — that’s what a default is all about. Instead of discussing serious economic policy, Michele Bachmann prefers the old political maneuver of babbling incessantly about the little people in life and what a hard time they are having. It wasn’t cute when Al Gore did it, it wasn’t cute when George W. Bush did it. It’s boring and it’s evasive. I, too, could sing you a Song of Woe! 

            We’ve heard this homespun philosophy before. It ain’t new. It was no fun the first time and it’s no funnier now. It certainly won’t solve the massive debt, unemployment and shaky international relations currently plaguing our country.


                      From the desk of Blackie Diamond 

Speech                                  SOTU

            Well, it’s that time again. As we say in my family, “Another speech, another dollar.” The Bible warns us against the sin of pride, so I’m just going to say I am willing to be here. Not proud, but… I’m okay with it.

                     If you’re happy and you know it,

                               Clap your hands!

              Guys, we need more cowbell!

              A man of the cloth was to hold the benediction, but I don’t see why a fashion designer would be more religious than, say, you or me. So… pray for me, Argentina!… There! Done!

           We’re here on Capitol Hill. It’s a pretty big building and somebody has to make the speech. I’m your man. Some of you complain that all I do is make speeches! Ha ha ha. To them, I say, look over there to the left, see those pretty young ladies? Those are my daughters Masha and Natasha. See! I made them, too. So once in awhile, yes, I do put my nose to the grindstone. Although the body part in question isn’t actually my nose and it’s not exactly a grindstone.

            Which brings me to every politician’s pride and joy, the wife. Esto perpetua, may she endure forever! That’s also the state motto of Idaho.

            Let me be clear.

            The State Of The Union speech is always challenging! What, then, is the state of our country? An important question, I assure you. One not to be ignored. We ignore it at our peril! A question worthy of the most minute scrutiny, one whose every detail cries out for our attention. Eloquently. Intellectually. Emotionally. With bipartisanship for all!

            Let me welcome to this convocation local politician Ernst Stavro Glickman. I’ve known the Glickman for… oh… twenty… twenty-five minutes. We were introduced in the car on the way over here. I told him to tag along. I thought, “Here’s a way to show my contempt for this body of elected officials. I can invite some goofball of a local politician to join us.” What’s that movie about bringing jerks to dinner…? Same concept.

            When my family and I sit down at the dinner table and say grace, we always add a word of thanks for Leo Padurski, Chief of the NSA, America’s protector. He is the jockstrap of America, protecting our vital parts from enemy attack. Thanks, Leo!

            Which brings me to my wife, who is not joining us here tonight at this special occasion. She’s off gallivanting around [dripping with venomous contempt] Europe. I mean, if she was gonna gallivant, why can’t she do her gallivanting right here in the good old U.S.A.? Well, she was deprived as a child. America was not the multi-racial, multi-culti society of today. Little pickaninnies didn’t get to make that all-important summer college trip to Europe. So my wife is making it now. She’s not in college, it’s not summer, but… whatever. She ain’t here.

            If she starts French-kissing me when she gets back, I gonna relegate her to the Lincoln bedroom, where she can sleep alone!

            Also attending here tonight… I could go on, yada yada yada, read from the Manhattan phone book, but you all know who you are. If not, well, Hell, introduce yourselves! We’re all family.

            As president, I deal with government and stuff. One small step for man, one giant leap for my sweet buns! You better believe it! And me a black man from Denver an’ all.

            We live in perilous times, so I’ve asked General Hartman, sitting in the third row… See that switch he’s holding? If I start to give away the farm regarding Iran or something, I’ve authorized him to cut off the mike.

            If that happens, please, those of you at home, do not try to adjust your set!

            Whoa! Senator Kefauver, I saw that! No throwing paper airplanes!

            Now to the nuts and bolts of my speech here tonight in this glorious, historic hall of government. Does anybody have a bag lunch? No? How ‘bout bottled water? Many of you have hunkered down in your seats, ready for the long haul, the 65-minute speech-a-thon, filled with endless platitudes, vague arguments, warm-hearted assurances, emotionally-charged moments of deep, spiritual confrontation!

            Forget all that.

            My staff has timed this puppy— no offense to my doggie, Winston— and it clocks in at just under 10 big ones. That’s minutes, gentlemen, not hours! I’m not going to get up here and do a Fidel Castro.

            So I’m going to rush the pace a little here. We all know what it’s like to be on the inside, looking out. We’re forced to sit here in the chambers of power, while the Occupy Movement protesters get to have all the fun, flouting the law, smoking dope and engaging in group sex. I’ve read the reports about those encampments!

          Since only 1% of Americans serve in the military, and I never served, I consider myself part of “the other 99%.”

           Hopefully— and I’m audacious enough to say this— by next January, this heavy burden will be lifted from my shoulders. Then, I too can take to the road, engaging in book tours and frank discussions everywhere. Don’t think I haven’t noticed: The big money is in speaking engagements!

           Crank up the RV! I look forward to camping all over this great country of ours. I do not shrink from this challenge, I welcome it!

            Imagine when all those millions of kitchen magnets and mousepads emblazoned with my image become collectibles. You be rich!

                     If you’re happy and you know it,

                                 Stamp your feet!

            Get ready for it… Release the balloons and confetti!!!

            This is where we get to the emotional part of my speech. I can’t help but think of the time Walter Cronkite, reporting live on television, wiped the tears from his eyes and soldiered on. Obviously upset, he didn’t let that stop him. I think that was when he announced the resignation of Richard Nixon. That was a very emotional moment, I am sure. President Nixon was the one who said— he said many things, a great memoirist, he recorded hundreds of his conversations— he said, on national television— and I quote— “Meat prices must not go higher.”

            That’s a sentiment with which we can all concur. Even Mark Goldstein and the Teepee Party should be willing to agree with us on this one little thing, right? That meat prices— metaphorically and otherwise— must not go, you know, higher. We must fight the tendency of our meat to rise… that is, the prices… our meat coming to attention at the sound of the president’s voice. You’ve seen the photos of those troops mobbing me! They love me! But I’m okay with it. The hot button that says, “Revere the presidency,” and all of us getting an erection over that. I know I do! And I’m the president.

            Excuse me! It’s not polite to yawn in your faces. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.

            I say to congressmen and senators alike, this be my motto: Humani nil a me alienum puto. “I regard nothing of human concern as foreign to my interests.”

            So watch out! The American public and I got our eyes on you people. Accomplish something! Anything!

            And guess what! Look at the person to the right of you and the person to the left of you in the audience… Everybody gets a car!

                                     Read my lips:

                               I. Stopped. Smoking!

            Ha, ha, ha! What? You believe that? How naïve!

            No, seriously, I stop smoking several times a day, right up until I light my next cig.

            In conclusion, and I said we were going to keep this baby under 10 minutes, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! There! I said it. Steve is no longer with us, a moment of silence for an industrial titan, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Steve Jobs.


            Maestro! The music swells. They pump in the laughing gas…

            This is a great country! God bless America!

            I’m President Pajama and I approve this message.